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A Tale of a Lost Bunny

Recently, l headed to the mall to meet a friend and her delightful, always adorably pigtailed 3-year-old.  The mall is enormous—the largest in Canada—so for ease of finding each other, we met at the full-sized pirate ship in the middle. 

As my friend and I greeted each other, her toddler clutched her favourite stuffed bunny and played on the ship’s bridge. Beneath the bridge was a rocky cliff alongside a large indoor lagoon. Carefully, the little girl lifted Bunny to the bridge’s rail…and Bunny flew out of her hands and crashed to the rocks below!

Justice Prayers - December 4, 2024

“With that we face the shocking reality. Jesus stands at the door and knocks. He asks for help in the form of a beggar, a down-and-out, a man in ragged clothes, someone who is sick, even a criminal in need of our love. He meets you in every person you encounter in need. So long as there are people around, Christ walks the earth as your neighbor, as the one through whom God calls to you, demands of you, makes claims upon you. That is the great seriousness of the Advent message and its great blessing. Christ stands at the door. He lives in the form of people around us.

Speaking your mind: the Canadian election and faithful public discourse

“Someone is a Canadian if a slap on the back of the head causes them to turn around and apologize”—so goes the saying about Canadians and their polite and apologetic character.

I tend to like this characterization and feel pride in this portrayal. Now I find myself grieving its demise—especially in the increasingly polarized climate of public discourse ahead of Canada’s next federal election, which will take place next year. 


Justice Prayers - November 27, 2024

The words of the wise prod us to live well. They're like nails hammered home, holding life together. They are given by God, the one Shepherd.  - Ecclesiastes 12:11 MSG

The Thin Line of Privilege

Recently, I shared about my experience of lack and abundance in two countries. This week, let’s look at a tale of two cities.

Deep versus Shallow Medicine: Imagining a New System of Health

At a recent screening of Johnny Lee’s documentary, “Canadiation: Impacts of the Doctrine of Discovery,” a good Christian man came to Johnny and myself before the documentary was over to share his views.

The Life We Hunger For

Immigration has, once again (and as it often does), become an inescapable topic of public discussion across North America.    

Justice Prayers - September 25, 2024

Jesus, the shepherd of my soul when in the valley deep
Death like a shadow hides my way, still You are leading me

National Day for Truth and Reconciliation, Sept 30

National Day of Truth and Reconciliation in Canada coincides with Orange Shirt Day, a grassroots commemoration marked by the wearing of Orange Shirts for children forced to leave their families and attend residential schools.  

Over the Hill: Aging, Disability, and Faith

I’m going to turn forty in early September, just after Labour Day. Because I’m a person with multiple disabilities, getting to forty is important for me! I sometimes find that people with temporarily able bodies, even some that I love, make a big deal out of aging. I’m told, “You’re going to find that things slow down. You’ll be less able to do things for yourself.” This might come as a surprise, but I’ve always had to navigate doing things for myself in ways different from most folks, and most of the time I don’t feel like I’m slowing down!

Justice Prayers - July 17, 2024

Lead on,  Good Shepherd, I’ll follow all my days
There ain’t nothing sweeter 
Than to watch You make a way
 - Lead On Good Shepherd, Patrick Mayberry

Assassination Attempt

Consequences reverberate after an assassination attempt on Republican nominee Donald Trump in the U.S. As people who follow the Prince of Peace, we pray:


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