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Global Poverty

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Justice Prayers - May 15, 2024

Yes, my soul, find rest in God; my hope comes from him. - Psalm 62:5


We have a hope in the risen Christ who overcame betrayal. How did betrayal benefit Judas Iscariot by giving Jesus to the Pharisees after receiving the lump sum amount? Even at the last supper, the last warning was made when Jesus said, ‘one of you will betray the son of God.’ 

Who was God in the life of Judas Iscariot at that moment? 

All in turn asking Jesus at dinner,’is it me?’

Until Judas’s turn and Jesus said ‘YES.’


The hill, once covered densely with trees, is now covered with loose dirt and a few struggling shrubs. A little down the hill is a village of around 40 houses. Each one, 7 to 10 feet off the ground, was built on top of wooden stilts. The part above the ground, on stilts, is a one roomed bedroom. The family sleeps there and most of their worldly possessions are on that level. The space on the ground is used as the kitchen area- where the family cooks and eats together. The area around the house is swept bare, no garbage and not much greenery around the house.

Heritage and Inheritance

How does my heritage determine my inheritance?  Tracing our heritage sometimes becomes challenging. Here are five stories that can help us to think more about inheritance.

Promoting Justice in a Culture of Extortion

“Be serious hombre. You gotta catch up on your payments.” That message ticked in on Carlos´ phone while I interviewed him last year. We were sitting in a parked car with the A/C on max yet sweat was pouring through his t-shirt. Carlos was a victim of extortion, a terrible crime that affects over 200 thousand households in Honduras every year. Extortionists, traditionally gangs, charge regular payments from small businesses, vendors, taxi and bus owners and threaten with or commit acts of violence if they don’t pay up.

Building Harmony in Mali

Harouna Issaka is the regional director for West Africa with World Renew and also works with Timothy Leadership training. In this episode Harouna speaks with us about how the Timothy Leadership Training has build relationships across unexpected divides.

Saint Georgina

For many Christians around the world, the day after Halloween was not just a day to recuperate from children’s sugar highs and pick up discarded candy wrappers from the sidewalk.  No, it was All Saints Day - the day in the church calendar to remember all those disciples - living and dead - whose lives inspire us to live more faithful, more loving, more Jesus-shaped lives.  

Agony and Tragedy

Editor’s Note: Please be aware that this blog contains a reference to suicide.

The agony of displacement due to insurgency and civil unrest in my home country has left many homeless, missing loved ones, and lonely. Desperate situations engulf many people’s livelihoods.

Being Asked About One Moment

In this episode Andrew Reinstra joins us to talk about what it's like to reconcile his experiences his birth and adoptive families. We get into the questions *not* to ask an adopted person. If you've wanted to think about the intersection of justice and adoption this is the episode for you.

Justice Prayers - October 4, 2023

We are dab-hands at fishing: why should we incline
To net people instead? {Matt 4:18ff
‘There’s a catch to convince you that I am divine.’

We’re five thousand famished; you tell us to dine
On two herrings? They’re red! {Mark 6:30ff
‘Except for a soul I will give you no sign.’

Whale Catch Sole Catch Pike Catch Plaice by Michael Ward


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