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Justice Prayers - June 5, 2024

When they had finished eating, Jesus said to Simon Peter, “Simon son of John, do you love me more than these?” “Yes, Lord,” he said, “you know that I love you.” Jesus said, “Feed my lambs.” - John 21:15

Free Falling: On Seeking God’s Providence as a Person with Disabilities

I harbor an intense dislike for walking across bridges alongside cars.

Justice Prayers - May 22, 2024

To the artist He is the one altogether lovely, and to the educator He is the master teacher. To the philosopher He is the wisdom of God, and to the lonely He is a brother; to the sorrowful, a comforter to the bereaved, the resurrection and the life. And to the sinner he is the Lamb of God who takes away the sin from the world. -  John Gerstner

How Saying 'Yes' Transformed Gateway Church

In this compelling episode host Chris Orme sits down with Dan Veeneman and Marcel de Regt from Gateway Community Church in Abbotsford B.C. Together, they delve into the church's transformative journey of hosting an extreme weather shelter for the homeless. Dan and Marcel share stories about the realities of participating in this ministry. From confronting addiction to offering hospitality, their experiences underscore the power of saying 'yes' when someone knocks on your door.

Food for the Community

Since its founding in 2010 Destination Church has found it easy to share the gospel around food.  This approach to gospel witness has informed how we approach our diaconal work as a community.  Seeing the increase in food insecurity in St. Thomas has prompted us to take several actions.  

The Deepening of Hope: Progress Inside the Story of Jesus

What does it mean to live inside Jesus’ story?  The novelist Margaret Atwood has said that in the end, we will all end up as stories.  For those of us claimed by the love of God made flesh in Jesus, it is Jesus’ story that determines and guides our own. 

In a sermon titled ‘Life Draped in Hope’, the Rev. Dr. Willie James Jennings offers helpful insights into what it means to live inside the story of Jesus.  

Journey towards Justice and Reconciliation

“To bring justice to the children who never made it home is to be able to identify who they are, bringing peace to the families and truth about the children’s passing,” said Kúkpi7 Rosanne Casimir of the Tk̓emlúps te Secwépemc.  

On May 27, 2021 Tk’emlúps te Secwépemc confirmed an unthinkable loss—the remains of 215 children who were students of the Kamloops Indian Residential School. Tk’emlúps te Secwépemc is the home community of the largest school in the residential school system. 

Keeping Eventbrite Open

Am I strange or have you also left a website open in your browser just because you couldn’t bear to close it?  For five months after the event ended, I kept the EventBrite page open and I smiled every time I saw it.  This open tab reminded me of the amazing time of preparation for and the celebration of the Broken Walls concert held on Sept. 30 (The National Day for Truth and Reconciliation) in Belleville, On.

What is Canada’s Plan for Refugee Claimants?

In recent months, several headlines have pointed to the alarming number of refugee claimants struggling to secure housing in major Canadian cities, often leaving them relying on overburdened shelters and being forced to sleep in the streets. These headlines stand in stark contrast to Canada’s reputation as a country that is welcoming to newcomers.While there are many programs in place that provide a fulsome welcome to resettled refugees, there are significantly fewer resources, and more barriers for those submitting a refugee claim in-country. 

What World War Two airplanes can teach today’s church

Back in World War Two, the United States military had a problem: many of their bombers were being downed by the German counter-air defence. Numerous American flight crews were dying. A solution was devised to add more armour to the planes. However, this slowed them down and made maneuvering difficult. So, the military decided to add increased armour to only the wings and fuselage. This made sense because when the bombers returned from intense fighting in Europe, these were the most bullet-riddled areas.


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