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Civility in Public Discourse

Have something to say about civility in public discourse? Write for us!

Must Christians Always be Nice?

The other week, while on vacation, my two youngest kids and I were happily soaking in our hotel’s hot tub. Across from us was a swimming pool, which two girls, aged five and 15, entered. Their mother sat nearby.

Immediately, a large young man in his early twenties beelined toward the girls. He seemingly had a mild developmental disability, but he was also being intentionally aggressive. While splashing them, he began loudly asking highly personal questions. Their mother didn’t react.

Justice Prayers - July 17, 2024

Lead on,  Good Shepherd, I’ll follow all my days
There ain’t nothing sweeter 
Than to watch You make a way
 - Lead On Good Shepherd, Patrick Mayberry

Assassination Attempt

Consequences reverberate after an assassination attempt on Republican nominee Donald Trump in the U.S. As people who follow the Prince of Peace, we pray:

Planting A Bur Oak

The other parents and I were getting off the school bus, when I heard a comment that I thought would be the start of an argument. We had been shuttled upriver to retrieve our vehicles and the canoe trailer after spending the morning paddling downstream. One dad was mocking another: “Are you sure your truck is big enough? Maybe you need something bigger.” The truck in question was as big as they come. It had after-market tires and a lift kit, which meant that a sort of jump step was required to reach the door. 

Three Wondrous "Nots"

"Here is my servant, whom I uphold, my chosen one in whom I delight; I will put my Spirit on him and he will bring justice to the nations. He will not shout or cry out, or raise his voice in the streets. A bruised reed he will not break, and a smoldering wick he will not snuff out. In faithfulness he will bring forth justice; he will not falter or be discouraged till he establishes justice on earth.” (Isaiah 42: 1-4a)

When Community Gets Hard

By now you’ve probably seen the meme about Jesus’ greatest miracle—that he had 12 best friends in his 30s– apparently first told by John Mulaney on SNL. The memes that make their rounds do so because their relatableness and candor make them both funny AND true. As a person in their 30s with friends in their 30s, we have all laughed at this meme and attested to this great miracle. But why is it so difficult to have close friends as you age?

Around Here

“Well, I see we will have to agree to disagree.” 

Where Do We Go From Here?

I was out having coffee with a friend a little while ago when the subject of vaccination status came up. Perplexed by their stance, I approached the conversation cautiously optimistic, asking questions to genuinely understand their perspective. 

This time, I went into the conversation to listen and understand, not to change their mind (Read: I’ve entered a-many conversations trying to air my opinions because I was “right” or because they didn’t understand me– not listening to understand but listening so I could be heard.)

My Racial Education

Chicago made up its mind about me. As a kid, I took weekly trips downtown and watched people of every hue. Wandering through Marshall Field department store, I noticed the security guards who kept a close eye on me. These guards made up their minds about me. I remembered pressing my face against clear window panes of expensive stores along State Street, none of the white faces ever made eye contact with me during the Christmas season. However, one yuletide season, my sister Rebecca and I stood beside a white Santa and I sat on his lap unsure what to think about this.

In Dialogue: A Muslim's View of Jesus

John Hubers:   Safi, Christians are often surprised to discover that Jesus’ story, at least part of it, is found in the Qur’an.  They are even more surprised when they come to realize that the Qur’an speaks of the virgin birth and his miracles.  Clearly, Jesus is significant to Muslims.  I’m wondering if you can help my Christian friends who may know little of Muslim beliefs to understand the role that Jesus plays in Islam.  Even more I’m wondering if you could speak of what he means to you which may not be the same for all Muslims (who represent the same kind

Power of Voice, Fair Process, Just Process and Restorative Practices

A driver was going 5 mph over the limit due to not seeing a damaged speed limit sign. After a police officer issued the driver a traffic infraction the driver immediately scheduled a time to argue it. However, even before the driver could talk, the judge simply threw out the infraction. Even though the driver didn’t have to pay the fine, they left feeling dissatisfied because they did not have the opportunity to speak.


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