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Justice Prayers - November 22, 2023

Perspective is everything.  It changes what we see.  You can't see what you're not looking for, and the vantage point from which you see something can determine your perspective.  When it comes to our experience of God, the eyes of faith are capable of seeing an entirely different world than the same et of eyes looking at the same thing.  - Syd Hielema and Aaron Baart

My Grown Up Christmas List

“Do you remember me
I sat upon your knee
I wrote to you with childhood fantasies
Well I'm all grown up now
And still need help somehow
I'm not a child but my heart still can dream
So here's my lifelong wish
My grown up Christmas list

From Forced Relocation to Reconciliation

In this episode we talk with Shannon Perez about what reconciliation looks like in light of her personal story and her First Nation's story. Shannon is the director of the Indigenous Family Centre (a CRC ministry with Indigenous people in Winnipeg). Shannon is a member of the Sayisi Dene First Nation, and lives in Winnipeg with her husband and children.

They Don't Understand

“They don’t understand what it’s like, they’ve never been there.” 

Last week I attended a small town’s community dinner to talk to the regulars there, and this is what one lady said in response to a decision that the City Council had made not to support a specific service for the homeless.

I admitted to myself and to her that, in fact, I’ve never been in that place either – of needing to access a weekly free dinner, the food bank, or in serious danger of losing my home.

Letters from Friends

Centennial Christian School in Terrace recently participated in the KAIROS Blanket Exercise.  The BC First Peoples Grade 11/12 class wrote letters to their friends afterwards reflecting on their experiences.  Consider yourself a friend and read these three thoughtful reflections.

Justice Prayers - November 1, 2023

"O Great Father of the sky above and the earth below, of the great waters and all that is in them," they prayed.  "Hear our cry!  - Acts 4:24 (FNV) 

A Just Resource Extraction Theory?

I have struggled with recent vocational changes in an effort to feel comfortable with who I am and how I make my livelihood. And it is more complex and challenging than I have ever given much thought to before. As I approach mid-life and look back at my experiences, I do see that my decisions include making difficult choices, certain compromises and justifications.

Intersecting Benevolence and Justice: Looking Beyond Needs

If there’s one thing Christians want to do, it is to help. We know we’re called to feed the hungry, clothe the naked, and look after the sick (Matthew 25). We see people in our communities and around the world who don’t have what they need to thrive. We want to be Christ’s hands and feet, not only to provide for people’s material needs, but to point them toward the love of Jesus. 

Lamenting the Plague of Whiteness

Editor's Note: The following post reflects on the concept of 'whiteness' - not a skin colour or race, but as an ideology that equates lighter skinned people with spiritual maturity and civilization, and then uses this ideology to harm both creation and other humans. We invite you to read it and reflect on how this kind of ideology may be present in your own life and community.


When You Have the Chemistry

“When you have the chemistry, the biology will follow.” 
This is an actual quote from a conversation between a farmer and a soil chemistry specialist.. What are they talking about you ask??? 
They are talking about soil. 


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