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Hope In The Broken World

In one of my recent blogs in 2023, I shared about an elderly lady who my wife met. The greatest question was who is my neighbour? What are the expectations of the neighbours? As a Christian the body of Christ is meant to be neighbours.  The story in Luke 10:25-37, the response of the Levite, Priest and Samaritan to the stranger who was robbed and hurt affirms who the true neighbour among the three who passed by. 

Late July 2024, the old lady went to be with the Lord in glory. Her send-off was amazing and a blessing as we had testimonies of her faithfulness to the Lord Jesus Christ. She was not so privileged with material possessions but her faith in Christ was a great resource in her life. Upon death, generous contributions were made in many ways to enable the sendoff ceremony to look glorious.

My deepest reflection was, where was all this support to the extent of the old lady at a critical time of her illness? What would this have been like if she had still been alive? Where were the biological relatives? They had distanced themselves for the Christian confession the old lady had made that was contrary to their traditional belief system.  

Society is in deficit of neighbours who can respond positively to the needs of those around them.

Unfortunately, during such similar events, the church leadership and politicians have used them for their personal gain and advancement of their goals. A very unfortunate statement is made of the church leadership termed as “vultures.” Normally a collection of vultures signifies the presence of a carcass lying somewhere. In olden days where communication was limited, this would be the signal for those looking for someone who might have gone missing. Making such events an opportunity to exploit and extort resources is unjustifiable.

Digging deeper into why this happens, this is an opportunity for diverse sections of society. The church is growing wider but shallow in the understanding of what being a Christian means; this leaves a lot to be desired. What is missing? Matthew 28:19 "Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptising them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely, I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”

This Great Commission commands us to, preach, teach and disciple. The church is in great deficit of the teaching and discipleship which eventually impacts the entire society. Society is in deficit of neighbours who can respond positively to the needs of those around them. Instead, we experience self-aggrandisement, self-seeking behaviours and staging up shows for recognition. Such perpetuates the expected living justly, loving mercy and serving Christ.

Photo by Cole Marshall on Unsplash

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