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Global Poverty

Learn more on the Office of Social Justice website.

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Bountiful Bread

We are pleased to share with you this devotion from our Advent series.  May it bless you this Christmas eve.  

Justice Prayers - November 10, 2021

 "Unexpected wonders happen, not on schedule, or when you expect or want them to happen, but if you keep hanging around, they do happen. -Wendell Berry

Miners work in inhumane conditions for the materials for electric cars

Mining for the elements needed for electric cars is problematic for how human rights abuses continue in these mining operations.  In Democratic Republic of Congo for example, stories about harsh working conditions for informal cobalt mines are common.  Where one injustice is addressed, another crops up, so we pray:

Survival for the Fittest

The story is told of a jungle law that survival is for the fittest. Recently while driving through Queen Elizabeth National Park enroute to the West Nile region in Northern Uganda, I watched how the antelopes and other smaller animals kept their distance away from the thickets, with ears and eyes open all through. If a lion was sensed within its vicinity, they would run for their lives. Unfortunately, the animals who were vulnerable due to sickness, hunger and disability and couldn’t outrun the Lion succumbed to be food for the mighty king of the jungle.

Pray for Lebanon: An Economic Depression Worse than Any in the Modern Era

More than a year ago, the Washington Post reported the acceleration of Lebanon’s “financial collapse” due to corruption, financial mismanagement, and overspending. Since then global news agencies have identified the crisis as one of the worst economic catastrophes of the modern era.

Justice Prayers - May 26 2021

"I walk in the way of righteousness, along the paths of justice" - Proverbs 8:20

Justice Prayers - April 28, 2021

Ponder the path of your feet, And let all your ways be established. - Proverbs 4:26

India’s Covid-19 Crisis

Covid-19 cases in India have overwhelmed the country's medical system.  People are amassing outside of hospitals and the deaths are too numerous to handle in timely fashion.  Into this place we pray:

The View from Below

‘There remains an experience of incomparable value. We have for once learnt to see the great events of world history from below, from the perspective of the outcast, the suspects, the maltreated, the powerless, the oppressed, the reviled – in short, from the perspective of those who suffer.’

Justice Prayers - April 7th, 2021

You have made known to me the paths of life; you will make me full of gladness with your presence. - Acts 2:18

In agony and suffering?

The rate at which marriages break up, the magnitude at which misunderstandings erupt into quarrels, and escalating levels of domestic violence is so alarming. We receive at least three cases every week of grievances among couples. 

Justice Prayers - New Years 2020

“When we choose thankful prayer over wallowing in anxiety and worry, we are demonstrating an unwavering trust in God.” –Priscilla Shirer  In advance of 2021 will you practice gratitude with us for the past year? 


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