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Stay informed on important legislation, learn about emerging justice areas, and find networks to plug in to.


If we are to understand that Indigenous people had prior knowledge of God, as stated in Romans 1, before Europeans landed on this continent, might there be manifestation of God through Indigenous peoples narratives? 

Socially Conscious Gifts for a Social Distanced Christmas

It’s a difficult task to find meaningful, ethical gifts at the best of times, and now for most of us the pandemic realities of 2020 have added even more challenging hurdles to Christmas shopping. In many places, local stores are closed, gatherings are restricted, and it seems impossible to avoid bigbox conglomerates or controversial online retailers. How can you ensure the gifts you’re giving this year are supporting socially conscious businesses, are justly and fairly made, and are contributing to healthy local economies? 

The Other 99%

I was recently invited as a guest speaker for a webinar with ecumenical partners, to share some information on global forced displacement and migration.

Reconciliation through Education

During my five-week internship with the Centre for Public Dialogue, I had the opportunity to create lesson plans to be used by independent schools in B.C., Alberta, and Ontario. These lesson plans included the history of Residential Schools, and the reality of  current inequalities in schools on-reserves. I researched to learn more about the beautiful things Indigenous communities offer, the experiences they endured and the current inequalities they are facing. 

Jose Suarez

Jose Suarez is an international student from Colombia majoring in Religion and International Relations.  In this interview Jose discusses his experiences looking for work to support him during his years at Calvin University.  

This interview is part of our series International Students Speak created to give an inside look at how policies impact real people on the ground.  

A Tale of Two Wives: Scenes of Systemic Racism and The First Wife

At a church planting conference, I heard this metaphor which really described my own experience with systemic racism. Pastor Norton Lages argued “Canadian culture treats other cultures like an abusive husband who sends his wife to counselling expecting her to change.” If you have even been part of such a situation, you know how messy and hopeless it can be. 

The Power of Friendship and Social Justice

June 22-23, 2020 a group of pastors, missionaries, staff, lay leaders and invited guests from the Christian Reformed Church in North America and the Reformed Church in America met for a Journeys Into Friendship virtual consultation. During these two days together, we heard stories from those who have built intentional, authentic friendships with people in their communities. Friendships that bridge differences in race, religion and migration status. Friendships that have been a mutual blessing to both parties and a faithful response to following Christ.

Discipleship 101

Let’s think about Saul.  He was on his way to Damascus, acting as a leader in the movement for his people. For his God.

In a fallen world climate action makes no sense. It should.

In Canada, we tend to mark the beginning of good weather with the May long weekend. The long weekend usually sparks visions of opening cottages with extended family, seeing friends, or the first warm weather festivals. In most Canadian provinces in 2020 however, we are still practicing strict social distancing and many of us did not enjoy our usual May long weekend.

A Prayer of Comfort During COVID-19

I was recently invited to join an online prayer group of ministers and elders and was asked to offer a prayer of comfort during our time together in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Of course I said yes--my Midwest U.S. upbringing would not allow me to decline such an offer--but my heart started racing and my mouth became dry even as I was accepting this invitation.


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