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New Opportunities

Stay informed on important legislation, learn about emerging justice areas, and find networks to plug in to.

What’s Your Motivation?

I, a minister in a post-Christian American city, found myself presenting on a zoom call with about a dozen community leaders. On screen with me were representatives from an agency that connects and serves local businesses, a housing developer, a woman from a company that prints materials for the Phoenix Suns basketball franchise, a leader in one of our most diverse and liberal business districts and others. Midway through my presentation, I alluded to a tune they might recognize from Ken Burns' National Parks documentary.

Exploited, Manipulated and Depleted.

A shoot will come up from the stump of Jesse; from his roots a Branch will bear fruit. The Spirit of the Lord will rest on him—the Spirit of wisdom and of understanding, the Spirit of counsel and of might, the Spirit of the knowledge and fear of the Lord— and he will delight in the fear of the Lord. (Isaiah 11:1-2)

103 Million Displaced: Who Deserves Protection?

Last week the United Nations reported that the number of forcibly displaced people around the world has risen to 103 million, the largest number ever in recorded history and a number that has increased by almost 14 million in one year.


Called to Serve

Recently the vehicle I drive ran beyond the recommended service schedule for its mileage plan. This compromises the expected maintenance standards of the vehicle and a tests its durability and the comfort and safety it provides on the road. The delay was due to factors beyond my control and emergency calls where I had limited alternative options.  How often have you found yourself under difficult situations that lead to similar kinds of compromise on the resource entrusted in your care and responsibility?

A Shared Language of Restorative Practice

While I was waiting in line for dinner at Inspire 2022, I struck up a conversation with someone about the workshop I was co-facilitating (with Liz Tolkamp) on restorative practices. The person’s eyes lit-up with some kind of familiarity (which sparked my curiosity!). That night, I heard yet another unique description of restorative practices, similar to what I have been hearing over the last several years.

Paying Attention in a Distracted and Distracting World

If you spend enough time with those dedicated to addressing the urgent issues of our time, you will eventually hear that we need to get people to ‘pay attention’.  Whether you and your friends are urging your city council to curb urban sprawl, encouraging your church to dedicate funds to alleviate global hunger, or organizing your school to take action against racial injustice, it’s easy to lament that nobody is noticing what’s going on.  Nobody is seeing what’s going on!  We need to get people to look and see what’s happening!  How can we get people to pay attention? 


Launch Justice with the Annual Day of Justice

On August 21, 2022 the CRC celebrates its annual opportunity to reflect on justice and what it means for our lives. Designated by Synod 2017, this date will mark a fifth annual, denomination-wide, Day of Justice and encourages church members to experience unity as a denomination as we consider the meaning of Biblical justice, lament injustices in our world, and commit to the transforming work of standing alongside people whom society oppresses and pushes to the margins.

We Need Each Other

After a mission trip or an enriching act of charity, have you ever heard someone say something like, “I was expecting to serve them, but really they gave me more than I gave to them”, or “in the end they taught me more than I ever taught them”. Have you ever heard of or personally experienced this unexpected exchange? I certainly have.

We're Indigenous People Too

In 2018, I was gifted to be one of one hundred and fifty First Nations people chosen to fly to Scotland to be featured in an internationally acclaimed television series. Upon arriving in Glasgow, we were loaded onto a tour bus and given a tour of the city. Our hosts welcomed us by stating, “You’re Indigenous, we’re Indigenous too. You were taken away from your families and put in residential schools; we were taken away from our families and put in industrial schools. You weren’t allowed to play your drums; we weren’t allowed to play our bagpipes.

Elevator Rides with the OSJ

Recently OSJ staff had an opportunity to present to a group of folks. There are always so many important justice topics that we'd like to address when we meet with people and it's often hard for us to pick one. Here's how we did our best to share big ideas in a limited presentation time. In this video you will get our elevator pitches for the work of the Office of Social Justice from the perspective of each staff member. Have fun being 'stuck' in an elevator with us and let us know what your favorite 'one thing' is.  



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