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Middle East

Learn more on the Office of Social Justice website.

Justice Prayers - November 20th

Surely the righteous will never be shaken; they will be remembered forever.  They will have no fear of bad news; their hearts are steadfast, trusting in the Lord.  - Psalm 112:6

Five Things I've Learned about Religious Persecution in the Middle East 

1) The church in the Middle East has been persecuted for thousands of years. 

Right now, I am sitting in the Logos Center at the Saint Bishoy Monastery of the Coptic Orthodox Church in Wadi El-Natron, Egypt. Coptic and Egyptian Christians have suffered persecution for thousands of years. The Coptic (Egyptian) Church began with the martyrdom of Saint Mark in the streets of Alexandria in the first century. The persecution of Christians in the Middle East continues to persist to this day. 

Justice Prayers - May 8

Lord, hear your Easter people's prayers! We live in hope, because He lives. 


Justice Prayers - April 17

Lord, in this Holy Week as we walk with your Son to the cross and wait for resurrection, hear our prayers!


Justice Prayers - April 3

We bring our prayers to Creator God, who both "takes up our pain and bears our suffering" and will "let justice roll down like a river."


Justice Prayers - March 6

We bring our prayers to Creator God, who both "takes up our pain and bears our suffering" and will "let justice roll down like a river."



Your Favorite 2018 Articles

It’s been quite the year! Thanks for reading and learning along with us, as we wrestled with faith and justice with the Bible in one hand and the newspaper in the other (Karl Barth).

Here are the top Do Justice articles (ranked by top pageviews) that got you thinking and acting in 2018: 

My Settler Wake-up Calls

I currently live in Grand Rapids, Michigan, the traditional home of the Anishinabe people for thousands of years. I am the daughter of colonizers and settlers, a white, American-born woman on this land. I’m not a first generation settler, but I’m a settler all the same.

September 11—A Reflection

For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven:

Blaming the Victim

In January 2018, the Trump administration held back $65 million of a planned contribution of $125 million to the United Nations agency charged with caring for Palestinian refugees, known as UNRWA (United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East).


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