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When the shepherds are back with their flocks

I don’t know about you, but I confess to having a love/loathe relationship with social media. Having said that, I am grateful that social media reintroduced me to The Rev. Dr. Howard Thurman’s writings several years ago, specifically his poem “The Work of Christmas.” Now, every year, I can count on at least one or more friends on social media reposting this poem around Christmas time:

“The Work of Christmas”

Justice Prayers - January 19, 2022

Jesus, where you are, fear turns into praises.  Where you are, no heart is left unchanged.  Where you are, darkness runs for cover.  Where you are, the orphan finds a home.  And here I am, humbled and bowing at your throne.  - Her True Worth

Chairing a Meeting is Earthkeeping, Too

A month ago I returned home from the COP26 talks to a province suffering from the biggest flood of my lifetime and the second unprecedented climate-related disaster of the last seven months. It was surreal to see flooding in my hometown make international headlines due to “atmospheric rivers.” Needless to say, abstract discussions about climate change have real world consequences.

Chris and Cindy Geek Out About Shalom

Our colleague Cindy Stover joins Chris Orme to geek out about the word “shalom” and set the groundwork for our next season exploring the intersections of charity and advocacy.  Season 4 drops January 18th!


Bearing God's Beloved Children On Our Backs

The third Sunday in January is Sanctity of Human Life Sunday, and the Office of Social Justice (OSJ) is pleased to offer resources for your church to honor the day. Synod has encouraged Christian Reformed churches to commemorate the day’s significance (Synod 1981 and Synod 1995). OSJ would like to help churches commemorate the sanctity of human life in ways that are sensitive and mindful of the impact abortion has on society, our churches, and members of our congregations.

Justice Prayers - January 5, 2022

We are too prone to engrave our trials in marble and write our blessings in sand.  - Charles Spurgeon 

Praying for Christians in the Middle East

American organization Churches for Middle East Peace are adding their voices to Middle East Christian leaders to petition for the sustainability and safety of Christians in the area.  We add our  voices in prayer:

Lord, who reveals love in place and in time,

Justice Prayer - New Years 2021

Lord, thank you for 2021.  I put my 2022 in your hands.  

As we exit 2021 we intentionally pray with gratitude for good news from this year.    

What Do You Want Me to Do For You?

Bartimaeus and Actively Listening to People with Disabilities in Churches

In my previous blog-post, “Embodying Equity,” I asserted that disability is a theological, political, and personal issue, and explained several strategies that believers of varied abilities can use to create access and equity within our churches. Let’s go one step further by examining Jesus’ encounter with Bartimaeus in Mark 10:46-52 as an example of fulsome, embodied equity.

Peacemaking/Protestifying with Shane Claiborne | Season 3 Bonus

This advent join us for a conversation with Shane Claiborne on peacemaking.  Shane reflects in dialogue with hosts on what Jesus did with contextual connection to us and Shane shares some of his own stories on discomfort, direct action and being people of presence.  The talk was originally given Northern Alberta Diaconal Conference's Day of Encouragement.  

We're busy working on our next season so make sure you're subscribed.  And as you know leaving a review can help us to reach new audiences.  

Justice Prayers - December 15, 2021

"The celebration of Advent is possible only to those who are troubled in soul, who know themselves to be poor and imperfect, and who look forward to something greater to come."  - Dietrich Bonhoeffer


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