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Justice Prayers - June 5, 2024

When they had finished eating, Jesus said to Simon Peter, “Simon son of John, do you love me more than these?” “Yes, Lord,” he said, “you know that I love you.” Jesus said, “Feed my lambs.” - John 21:15

US President signs executive order to close Southern Border to asylum seekers

The US president announced an order Tuesday, announcing that the border with Mexico will be sealed to migrants when numbers of asylum claimants rise above a daily threshold of 2,500.  Biden’s executive order will enable US immigration officials to quickly deport migrants who enter the country illegally without processing their asylum claims.

Again we come to you Lord asking for solutions for the people leaving their homes and heading north seeking asylum in the US. This order impacts the real lives of families who remain balanced in the tensions of communities who don’t feel they have the resources to help fully. We pray for mercy to reign and for your people to show up and provide for the sojourner in our midst. 

Canada pledges to welcome more Gazans 

As the world witnessed the bombing and gruesome slaughter at a displaced persons camps last week in Rafah, the Canadian Government announced it was pledging 5000 refugee visas to Gazans with family already in Canada, increased from 1000 announced in December, 2023. Since the May 7 closure of the Rafah crossing, Gazans cannot leave and the Israeli government controls any work done in the territory through an agency called COGAT.  

Lord of every crossing, we pray for the safe passage of families out of Gaza. May the powers and principalities that deny humanity be quelled enough to let families live. Emptying Gaza of its people, dislocating entire populations cannot be the solution - we know this does not work. So we pray for solutions that foster living, not just surviving. We pray for safe passage in the meantime. Jesus, remind every one of us that you are found where those in need are.

Multiple Incidents of Violence directed towards Jewish Communities in Canada

In Canada, anti semitic violence has rocked the Jewish communities in Vancouver, Toronto and Montreal. In Vancouver the Schara Tzedeck synagogue was the victim of arson and in Toronto suspects shot at a Jewish elementary school and bullet holes were found in a Montreal building housing a Jewish school and synagogue. The number of antisemitic incidents in Canada more than doubled in 2023 compared with the year prior, according to an annual audit performed by B’nai Brith Canada released in May. In the audit, the group logged 5,791 incidents that meet the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance definition of antisemitism. 

We pray in these times for God’s people to denounce any dehumanization wherever it grows. May we rally around our neighbours and support them when they are threatened with violence for their very being. May those whose anger devolves into violence be brought to a place of peace and understanding. May we not look away at the pain of our neighbours.

Indigenous Nations Approve Historic Water Sharing Agreements

A historic agreement has been reached between the Navajo, Hopi and San Juan Southern Paiute Tribes and the state of Arizona that would settle all of their outstanding water rights claims to the Colorado River Basin. For decades, these Indigenous nations have fought for their fair share of the water coursing through their ancestral lands. The agreement with Arizona is preceded by agreements with Utah and New Mexico  and now has to be approved by Congress now.  The agreement will meaningfully help residents who have to travel up to an hour away to haul water for all their agricultural, community and personal needs. As drought and the increased usage from southern California places even greater stress on this source of water, we are thankful for the agreement and pray for Congress to quickly honor it. 

Lord of living water,  we pray that this water, necessary for life, brings new life to the Navajo, Hopi and San Juan Southern Paiute Tribes. While we grieve the reasons that Indigenous peoples have been without access to water across North America, we are grateful that action is happening. Move on congress to affirm this agreement and may it bring health and vitality to this land.

Becoming (part of) the Answer to our Own Prayers

Your Ministry Shares help Young Adults Flourish On Campus

Can you recall those initial days on campus, a time when you felt a bit lost, searching for a sense of belonging in a place that often prioritizes academics over personal connections? This sense of loneliness can be even more profound in a university space, where the emphasis isn't always on matters of faith and spirituality. It's here that Campus Ministry becomes an oasis of authenticity.

Young adults can genuinely be themselves, where they're encouraged to explore life's profound questions and deepen their faith journey. Campus Ministry fills a crucial void, especially in university settings, by offering the sense of community and spiritual exploration that many students crave.  Discover in our video why your support through ministry shares is instrumental in transforming these campuses into vibrant, nurturing communities. Witness the profound impact your generosity has on the lives of students who yearn for connection and purpose in a world that can often feel disconnected. 

Prayer of Comfort for the Brokenness in Our World

When the pain of the world feels heavy and overwhelming, we are comforted by Psalm 102:1-2: “Hear my prayer, Lord; let my cry for help come to you. Do not hide your face from me when I am in distress. Turn your ear to me; when I call, answer me quickly.” Find a prayer of comfort written in conjunction with this scripture passage here.  Read More »

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