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Justice Prayers - January 30

We bring our prayers to Creator God, who both "takes up our pain and bears our suffering" and will "let justice roll down like a river."


Five Things for the CRCNA to Remember and Advocate for During Today’s “Border Crisis” and Budget Negotiations

It has been a chaotic couple months for our government and the entire U.S. As negotiations continue for the federal government to be funded beyond February 15, we as people of faith must hold fast to that which we know to be true about our identity and calling.

Jesus Walks with Refugees. Do We also Walk with Them?

The following story is a real account of what happened, although for the safety of those involved we have chosen not to use their names. The story can also be found in Spanish below the English version, since the stories were first shared with us in Spanish by the Costa Rican man mentioned in them.

Leading and Longing

Like most Sundays, I’m at the piano leading my congregation in worship. The lights are lowered in the gym-turned-sanctuary where we worship.

4 Ways to Support Asylum Seekers at the US-Mexico Border

Many are wondering what Christians who are far from the U.S. southern border can do to seek justice and support the dignity of those who are migrating.

Here are a few ideas:

1) Pray

If you’re wondering what to say, and how to say it, when praying for the “migrant caravan” during Sunday worship, these words might help:

A Prayer for the Arrival(s)

Advent: Middle English, borrowed from Medieval Latin adventus, going back to Latin, "arrival, appearance"

Refugee claimants (people who have fled their countries of origin to make a refugee claim, and do not yet have refugee status) have been arriving in Canada, via plane, boat, train, long before the topic of border crossings was making headlines.

Help Reunite a Syrian Refugee Family

In August of 2016, we at Loop CRC in Chicago helped support a Syrian refugee family in their move from Jordan to Chicago. It was our small way of living out God's call to love our neighbors and welcome the stranger. We raised financial support, greeted the family at the airport, and visited them weekly for over 6 months.

Dignity for Refugees with Special Needs in Uganda

For the last two years we’ve been working in Northern Uganda to respond to the influx of South Sudanese refugees that fled here due to war. We responded through the WASH program—we constructed  770 communal pit latrines along with hand washing stations. PSNs (People with Special Needs) are people who are not able to build the latrines themselves– the elderly, disabled, child headed households, and single female headed households. 

September 11—A Reflection

For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven:

Blaming the Victim

In January 2018, the Trump administration held back $65 million of a planned contribution of $125 million to the United Nations agency charged with caring for Palestinian refugees, known as UNRWA (United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East).


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