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Learn more on the Office of Social Justice or Centre for Public Dialogue website.

Justice Prayers - July 24

New York Passes Climate Legislation, Invests in Nation’s Largest Wind Farm

Last week, New York passed legislation — the Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act — to pursue the nation's most ambitious set of climate challenges and goals, including cutting emissions 85 percent by 2050 and requiring utilities to get 70 percent of their energy from renewables by 2030. It will also pursue new wind energy projects, which aim to generate 9,000 megawatts with new turbines off the coast by 2035.

God’s Love is not limited by Legal Status

Part 5 in the Seeing Beyond the Immigration Rhetoric series.

I met Jorge (name changed) at the Newton Correctional Facility, where my husband and I planted a church 8 years ago. Jorge came to the United States from Guatemala. Unfortunately, Jorge’s life took a turn for the worse and he ended up in prison.

Special Prayers: U.S. Southern Border Crisis

If you’re not sure what to say, or how to say it, when leading a prayer for the children who are still incarcerated in camps at the U.S. southern border, consider these words.  If you want more information about the crisis, see this Do Justice article.  

The Politics of Jumpy Castles

Part 4 in the Seeing Beyond the Immigration Rhetoric series.

When an alien resides with you in your land, you shall not oppress the alien. The alien who resides with you shall be to you as the citizen among you; you shall love the alien as yourself, for you were aliens in the land of Egypt: I am the Lord your God.   Leviticus 19:33-34

Seeking Justice at the U.S. Southern Border: The Need for Both Relief and Reform

Part 3 in the Seeing Beyond the Immigration Rhetoric series

The following is a transcribed video interview between the Office of Social Justice (OSJ) and church partners at the U.S. southern border. OSJ’s Melissa Stek met them last month on a delegation trip to El Paso, Texas. These church partners have been providing relief to asylum-seekers arriving to Ciudad Juarez.

“Immigration is Our Story” Audio Series Concludes with Invitation to Listen, Learn, and Love

Immigration is our story. It’s our denomination’s story and it’s the story of most CRC and RCA congregants over the decades. It is our heritage, and we particularly recognize that this summer because June was Immigrant Heritage month -- the perfect few weeks to wrap up our “Immigration is Our Story” audio series.

Justice Prayers - June 26

For the LORD will go before you, And the God of Israel will be your rear guard. Isaiah 52:12


There are Three Crises at the Border: Keeping it Straight

There are (at least) three crises at the Border right now. As advocates, we must know how to speak clearly and effectively about each one.

Justice Prayers - June 12

"God, we pray for correction and justice"

Canada to Ban Single-Use Plastics by 2021

Let’s Stop Accepting These 5 Lies

This is the first installment in the blog series "Seeing Beyond Immigration Rhetoric"
Don't miss a post in this series--sign up here



News broke this week of an unplanned inspection of an El Paso detention center that incarcerates immigrants and the shocking disclosure of its abusive and inhumane conditions. It’s overwhelming.


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