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Creation Care

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Justice Prayers - December 16th 2020

 “So the Word became human and made his home among us. He was full of unfailing love and faithfulness. And we have seen his glory, the glory of the Father’s one and only Son.” - John 1:14  Blessings to you this week as you reflect on the third candle of advent ‘love.’ 

Once it is Gone, it is Gone

 Once it is gone, it is gone. If a child breaks a toy or if you inadvertently burn a letter to you from your grandmother, it is gone. It doesn’t come back.

The world has a very special asset, located in Alaska, that might face that same plight. The Arctic National Wildlife Refuge is a breathtaking parcel of God’s creation. It has unique wilderness qualities and ecological integrity. 

Justice Prayers - December 9th 2020

This week may you be filled with shalom as you reflect on the peace advent candle.  “The Lord gives his people strength. The Lord blesses them with peace.”  - Psalm 29:11

On Chickens and Sustainability

I tramped out into our backyard, wearing thick rubber boots, with my arms full of leftover food. As I dumped it into the fenced area, excited clucks greeted the rice, mashed potatoes and tomato bits, while the chickens engaged in their usual feeding frenzy.  This regular scene is a part of our journey in sustainable living. The birds are helping us cut down on food waste, turning our scraps into eggs and future garden compost.

Justice Prayers - November 25th, 2020

Let us come before him with thanksgiving and extol him with music and song. - Psalm 95:2

Uganda protests and violence – 45 killed

Ugandan police have killed 45 civilians in clashes over the imprisonment of a presidential opposition candidate.   Into this situation we pray:

Map Your Neighbourhood

Creation care during COVID-19. What a weird time. On the one hand people are recognizing the importance of getting outside and enjoying creation. On the other hand the amount of personal protection equipment and other disposable stuff in the attempt to stay away from germs is frightening. If you are someone who wants to seriously follow your calling to care for creation it can be a bit confusing. But when things are confusing I think the best thing to do is get back to the basics.

Justice Prayers - November 11th, 2020

Who has held the oceans in His hands?
Who has numbered every grain of sand?
Kings and nations tremble at His voice
All creation rises to rejoice!
Behold our God seated on His throne
Come, let us adore Him

- Sovereign Grace Music

Justice Prayers - November 4th 2020

Hear my cry, O God
Listen to my prayer
From the ends of the earth
I call to You

And when my heart
Is overwhelmed
Lead me to the rock

- David Baloche 

Justice Prayers - October 21, 2020

It is the command of Jesus that we not worry, as the world worries, in ways that make us crazy, or mean or angry or hateful or quarrelsome. It is a command spoken by Jesus who himself is un-anxious and unflappable. Indeed, it is difficult to imagine Jesus being anxious. He is unafraid before the Roman governor at his trial, unflappable before the high priests on his dread-filled Thursday inquisition, unworried when the storm rages, completely at peace even in the ferocious storm on the Sea of Galilee. He is unafraid, un-anxious, not worried.

Is Voting a Sacred Task?

Many of us have found it instructive that John Calvin, the theological father for reformed Christians, in the 1559 version of his Institutes of the Christian Religion wrote this about those in civ


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