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Justice Prayers - September 2nd 2020

"[God] never mocks your weaknesses or throws your sin in your face. He never gets tired of you or gives up on his relationship with you. He doesn’t ask you to earn what you can never deserve, and he never makes you feel guilty for needing his good gifts. His love isn’t conditional and his grace is never temporary.” ― Paul David Tripp

Eviction Moratoriums Continue to be Lifted

As economic realities of the pandemic continue to ripple, the reality not being able to pay rent and facing evictions are affecting many among us.   Today we specifically pray for those not able to pay their rent, while eviction moratoriums are lifted across provinces and states.  

Father of all provisions, For those who know they cannot pay rent, Father, we pray firstly that your Spirit would affirm their worth and humanity.   We pray for grace to mark the interactions between landlords and tenants.  Give employers creative, inventive and life-affirming ways to employee as many people as possible in areas affected most by disappearing jobs.  Provide relief in the form of generous charity and also wisdom for decision makers to address root issues that were exacerbated by the pandemic shut downs.  

Migrant Workers Rights

The Ontario Supreme Court upheld  Covid-19 protections for Migrant Workers this week that limited the number of people who could be housed in one room back to a recommended 3.  The cross section of pandemic health concerns, migrant worker vulnerabilities, farming and food security issues make this an issue for continued prayer.  

Father of the harvest, Thank you that the rights of migrant workers to health and safety during a pandemic were upheld.   Continue to guide health authorities, courts and farming operations with wisdom to balance the needs of the food system with the needs of the workers who provide the country with food.   Help all your people remember  with gratitude and humility all the hands who have helped to bring our food to us.  

Hurricane Laura

The destructive path of Hurricane Laura in Louisiana and Texas will require a long recovery.   In these days of clean up, limited resources and continuing extreme weather and heat, we pray:

God in the aftermath, For people affected by floods, fallen trees, destroyed buildings, unlivable homes, we pray for your mercy.  Give those affected short wait times to speak to officials and insurance representatives. Evoke your kindness, generosity and wisdom  in those whose job it is to give aid.   May communities rally across political and racial lines to rebuild.  Give strength to weary hearts in these days.  

Civilian Armed Violence 

Violent unrest between protesters and armed civilians and militia is happening across the United States.  From Kenosha to Portland, we are seeing violence as a consequence of polarization.  

As followers of Christ we pray,
That leaders would condemn the violence and not foment it for their own gain and power.
That the Spirit in real ways, like water and wind, would cool tensions and enable true listening. 
Risen Jesus,  shed light on the root causes of protest and anger; keep us from any false equivalencies in this cultural moment.  Open our eyes to how you see.   Give us boldness to make justice and make peace from those root causes.  
May your people, called by your name, transformed by your Spirit, be bearers and distributers  of the fruit of knowing you in these days: Love, joy, peace, patience, goodness, kindness, gentleness, faithfulness and self-control.   

Becoming (part of) the Answer to our Own Prayers

Immigrants are a Blessing not a Burden

The CRC Office of Social Justice is relaunching their “Immigrants Are a Blessing, Not a Burden” campaign to equip people of faith to speak in uniquely Christian ways about immigration! Stay updated by following their “Blessing Not Burden” Facebook page today! #blessingnotburden

Fall Workshops

Are you planning for a new ministry season?  Check out this great video that highlights the workshops that we offer.  

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