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Creation Care

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#NotEverythingHasTo BeAProtest

I have yet to join a Friday Climate Strike. Not because I don’t think climate is important. I understand the clear science behind climate change and have seen firsthand the devastating impacts both in Kenya and in British Columbia, Canada to human and non-human communities. I know that humans are adding more toxins, more carbon dioxide, more destruction than the earth is capable of dealing with right now. No, I agree with the words being spoken on the placards and through the megaphones. 

Justice Prayers - October 30th

A Note to My Conscience: You are welcome to serve at the throne of Christ, because it is a throne of grace.  You may not sit on the throne because you can't be trusted to render a verdict of mercy.  Your job is not to condem me.  Your job is to call me from the pigpens back to my Father's house. In doing so you will be my prophet.  - Brad Jersak

Justice Prayers - October 23rd

God go with us.  Help us to be an honor to the church. Give us the grace to follow Christ's word, to be clear in our task and careful in our speech.  - Alcuin of York 

True Climate Confessions

My name is Cindy Stover, I’m one of the CRC’s justice mobilizers, and I have a confession to make. Until about a month ago, I had no idea what I could do to combat climate change. More specifically, I had no idea what I, as one person, could reasonably do to substantially impact our overwhelming global climate crisis. Now, I do lots of simple environmentalist sort of things; I recycle, I shop second hand, I try to buy local produce at the grocery store, and I even remember (most of the time) to bring my reusable grocery bags with me! But is all that really enough?

Justice Prayers - October 16th

Therefore, since we are receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, let us be thankful, and so worship God acceptably with reverence and awe.  - Hebrews 12:28

Collective action is a Christian (not pagan) Response to the Climate Crisis

On September 27th, hundreds of thousands of Canadians took to the streets to urge governments and corporate leaders to take action on climate change. In Montreal, where the protests were led by teenage climate activist Greta Thurnberg, over 500,000 protesters (many of whom were children and youth), took the day off from school or work to join the protest.

Why Many Care about the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge

There is an old expression, “Home is where the heart is”. Our home is not just our family or our community, our nation or the family of nations. Our home is also God’s creation. 

As a faith leader, I believe that not only should we care about the human beings who live on this planet, but we need to care for the earth itself – our home. Serving as stewards of God’s creation and caring for each other are central to Christian faith.

Human Trafficking Awareness this Election Season

This is a reflection on human trafficking. 

This is a reflection on more than just human trafficking. 

Because, like many of our world’s justice issues, human trafficking is rooted in other systemic problems and challenges. 

National Read a Book Day!

September 6th is National Read a Book Day! With the upcoming Canadian election in mind, the Centre for Public Dialogue has compiled this great list of books for you to read on Sept 6th, or any other day this fall. These titles have been read and enjoyed by our staff and board members as they endeavor to speak hope to elected officials, and to engage our families, neighbourhoods, and church communities in doing justice. 

Justice Prayers - September 4th

And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people. - Ephesians 6:18 


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