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Why the Church Cares

Learn more about God's call to do justice as an integral part of Christian mission, vocation, and discipleship. Find out where the CRC stands on justice issues and the deep theology motivation those decisions.

Trauma and True Justice

The level of mischief, grievances and conflicts are increasing in many communities. Trust levels and honest relationships are questionable.  One critical way to combat these rising tensions is how justice is by administering justice to achieve maximum respect for all involved. The modern court systems leave a lot to be desired. 

Is Following Christ Worth It?

A man in India named Piyush recently asked himself a crucial question: “Is following Christ worth it?”

Like the majority of people living in India, Piyush grew up in the Hindu faith. He regularly went to the temple to worship hundreds of gods and goddesses along with members of his family and community. 

Why Many Care about the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge

There is an old expression, “Home is where the heart is”. Our home is not just our family or our community, our nation or the family of nations. Our home is also God’s creation. 

As a faith leader, I believe that not only should we care about the human beings who live on this planet, but we need to care for the earth itself – our home. Serving as stewards of God’s creation and caring for each other are central to Christian faith.

The Mustard Weed

"He put another parable before them, saying, 'The kingdom of heaven is like a grain of mustard seed that a man took and sowed in his field. It is the smallest of all seeds, but when it has grown it is larger than all the garden plants and becomes a tree, so that the birds of the air come and make nests in its branches.'” Matthew 13:31-32

God’s Love is not limited by Legal Status

Part 5 in the Seeing Beyond the Immigration Rhetoric series.

I met Jorge (name changed) at the Newton Correctional Facility, where my husband and I planted a church 8 years ago. Jorge came to the United States from Guatemala. Unfortunately, Jorge’s life took a turn for the worse and he ended up in prison.

Beyond the Rhetoric

Part 2 in the Seeing Beyond the Immigration Rhetoric series

Immigration has become a heated topic; most of us have formed strong opinions on the subject. It is also a complex topic, encompassing a wide swath of issues, laws, and legal statuses, as well as court orders and rulings that seem to change on a regular basis. This creates an atmosphere in which discerning fact from fiction can be frustratingly difficult.

The Christian Economics of Climate Action

In my work as a business professor over the past four years, I have been researching what happens to our brains when watching online lectures.

The Power of the Body of Christ Against the Misuse of Power

During the time of the dictatorship in Chile (1973-1990), the Christian denominations decided to be either neutral or ambiguous toward the regime. This created an environment of division, distrust, and disappointment towards the Church.

A Theological Look at Power: From Cover-up Families to Cities of Self-interest

This is the first post of our Power Over/Power With series, a collaboration between Safe Church Ministry and Do Justice.

We all have some power. Power to act, to choose, to alter our world and affect others, is part of being image-bearers of God.

Yet power can so easily become corrupt and be used to marginalize, manipulate, or control others. When we are unaware of or not careful with the power we hold, we can cause deep harm.

Jesus’ way of wielding power looks different from our own sin-corrupted ways of using our power.

An Inheritance for my Grandchildren

In honor of today's Global Climate Strike, we offer this post from long-time climate organizer, Rev. Rich Killmer of the CRC's Climate Witness Project.


I am 76 years old. I often think about the kind of legacy I will leave to my 9 grandchildren.


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