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New Opportunities

Stay informed on important legislation, learn about emerging justice areas, and find networks to plug in to.

Let's Partner Toward Climate Justice

A Crowdfunding Effort with the Office of Social Justice

Jordan's Principle: Justice in Health Care

A First Nations baby who had difficulty breast-feeding was diagnosed with allergies that required special formula. The Canadian federal government would not cover the cost of the special formula, so the nutritionist begged the company for free samples. A non-aboriginal child in the same province would have received the formula through provincial health care. 

Journey with Me Workshop Launch

Do you think the church should help welcome refugees? Join us Saturday, March 28 in Toronto to celebrate the launch of a new refugee workshop and online toolkit and hear from celebrated refugee activist Mary Jo Leddy. 


Ash and Oil: Remembering we are Dust, Leaning toward a New Creation

These are the questions that we will explore with our Lenten series Ash and Oil: Remembering we are Dust, Leaning toward a New Creation. We invite you to join us by signing up here to receive devotions in your inbox three times a week, or simply by checking back for new posts on the Do Justice blog every other weekday throughout Lent.

Serial Podcast and Just Mercy

I got sucked into the Serial podcast, just like the rest of North America. I loved it. I loved the real-life drama, the true-crime evidence, the ability to judge people's intentions and the validity of their testimonies. I loved playing detective, weighing the evidence, surmising guilt and innocence. I loved how it distracted me from the drudgery of painting my basement staircase. I was an enthusiastic consumer of the story of Adnan and Hae, and will vehemently defend my conclusion that Adnan didn't do it. (Argue with me. I dare you.)

Listening for the Gifts of Persons with Disabilities

I’ve started seeing news and life a little differently since my youngest daughter was born with Down Syndrome. In fact, I am even doing theology differently. I read the Bible with a little more awareness of how it may speak to issues of disabilities. I am beginning to think through Christian doctrines to see if they are inclusive or exclusive of persons with disabilities. In short, my thinking and seeing has become more inclusive. Some of my previous blind spots have been removed.

MMIW: One Indigenous Woman's Perspective

These are the kinds of conversations Aboriginal women are having. It is not normal and shouldn’t be routine. It is scary but necessary. Do other women have to have these conversations?

Praying for #Ferguson

The events in Ferguson, Missouri have captivated the world of social media this week. On Saturday afternoon, eighteen year-old Michael Brown was shot and killed by police while walking home with a friend. A candlelight vigil to remember Brown turned violent on Sunday, leading to looting and more than thirty arrests. Monday and Tuesday saw tensions rise as residents gathered for peaceful demonstrations, demanding the officer’s name be released and details about the incident be made public.

Weeping, Rejoicing, and Praying for Refugee Healthcare

"A country is judged by how it treats its most vulnerable." Although the source of this oft-mentioned quote is up for debate, it is undoubtedly a powerful statement that stands in judgment of our nation.


First Nations Education: Beyond Pithy Headlines

This morning a radio announcer went with a pithy headline: "Yesterday First Nations Chiefs Left $1.9 Billion on the Table."


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