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Posted: August 5, 2024

Each year, when my students and I travel to Cuernavaca, Mexico to visit with local activists, community builders, human rights workers, and anti-poverty advocates, we meet with a lifelong justice and peace practitioner named Juan Francis

Posted: August 2, 2024

The other week, while on vacation, my two youngest kids and I were happily soaking in our hotel’s hot tub. Across from us was a swimming pool, which two girls, aged five and 15, entered. Their mother sat nearby.

Posted: July 31, 2024

In God's green pasture feeding by His cool waters lie Soft in the evening walk my Lord and I - His Sheep Am I 

Posted: July 29, 2024

We (Paul and Barnabas) tell you the good news: What God promised our fathers he has fulfilled for us, their children, by raising up Jesus.

Posted: July 26, 2024

It is very easy to be hard on the Jonah of the Bible. It seems so obvious to us what he ought to do. However, I believe that each of us has a Nineveh we brush aside as quickly as Jonah does.

Posted: July 24, 2024

In this episode we discuss the 'elephants' of church renewal. Rev. Dr. Elaine May discusses her work in church renewal and leadership development within the Christian Reformed Church in North America.

Posted: July 24, 2024

Your sure provisions gracious God
attend me all my days;
oh, may your house be my abode,
and all my work be praise. 

- My Shepherd Will Supply My Need

Posted: July 22, 2024

Sometimes I travel solo and when I do, it allows me to people-watch and be more perceptive of situations around me. One such time was a trip to California this past May.

Posted: July 19, 2024

Words are powerful. With God’s mighty power, He only had to speak the words, “Let there be light” for light to be created into existence.

Posted: July 17, 2024
Lead on,  Good Shepherd, I’ll follow all my days
There ain’t nothing sweeter 
Than to watch You make a way
 - Lead On Good Shepherd, Patrick Mayberry
