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Racism: “A Sin Issue”

The systemic racism and white supremacy trainings I’ve attended are backed with mounds of data. On leaving the last training, I felt emotionally drained and exhausted because the current laws and systems that have oppressed people of color for centuries showed me how much more work we have to do. Feelings of despair came as I stared at systemic mountains of injustice and questioned my work in underserved communities.

Justice Prayers - August 5, 2020

Your faith will not fail while God sustains it; you are not strong enough to fall away while God is resolved to hold you.”  ― J.I. Packer

The Grace of Belonging

In this time of highly visible racial tension political leaders and media personalities have said noble and earnest things recently such as ‘we have to do better’. And our church denomination has posted a statement lamenting the deaths and calling for racial justice.  

Changes are necessary and urgent . We’ve said some earnest things last month, or maybe last year….. But what’s going to change?  I heard an African American colleague say the other day ‘here we go again.’  She doubts change and needs to see action.

Justice Prayers - July 29, 2020

"Arise, for it is your task, and we are with you; be strong and do it." - Ezra 10:4 

Justice Prayers - July 15, 2020

Jesus in your name we pray, come and fill our hearts today.  Lord give us strength to live for you and glorify your name.  - Paul Baloche

A Time to Listen: Learning from Shad

The last few weeks have been both difficult and inspiring, challenging and moving.  An apocryphal saying attributed to African theologian and bishop Augustine of Hippo says that ‘hope has two beautiful daughters.

Justice Prayers - July 1, 2020

God of uncovered secrets, God of fearless truth: to have faith in your goodness is to trust that after all we would hide is revealed, and all of our whispers are heard, your undying love will remain, and your truth will stand unchanged. May we forgo our protection of self, and find life made whole in shalom. - Corrymeela

A Pandemic Examen

Is it just me, or has it been hard to remember what day it is during this pandemic? 

Discipleship 101

Let’s think about Saul.  He was on his way to Damascus, acting as a leader in the movement for his people. For his God.

Treaties are Here Now

You can be forgiven if you find yourself not thinking about treaties very often.    After all, it is 2020 and for most Canadians, the term “treaty” conjures up ideas and images that seem to be part of a long-forgotten high school History or Social Studies class.   The relevancy of treaties to our everyday, ordinary lives seems non-existent.  Treaties – well, they tend not to make the news very often.  So, it is easy for us to assume they do not matter.


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