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Indigenous Justice

Learn more on the Centre for Public Dialogue website.

Your Tuvaluan Neighbour

“17.2 million people leaving their homes because of climate disasters is not a change.” This was a sign I saw as I first stepped off the metro in Madrid, Spain in early December. I had just arrived for the COP25 (Conference of the Parties), the global climate negotiations conference hosted by the United Nations. As I walked out of the metro to the conference center, more signs lined the hallway with startling statistics, many of which I had heard before. However, in the week ahead these statistics would become real people with real stories. 

Justice Prayers - January 22, 2020

To trust God in the light is nothing, but trust him in the dark, that is faith.  - C.H. Spurgon 

Justice Prayers - December 11th

Advent is a journey towards Bethlehem.  May we let ourselves be drawn by the light of God made man.  - Pope Francis 

Fire Kills Workers in India

A fire broke out at a factory in India's capital New Delhi early on Sunday morning. At least 43 people have been reported dead. Many of the victims were asleep in beds in the factory, resting between shifts, when the fire began. Most of the victims were Muslim migrant workers who came from the Eastern state of Bihar, earning as little as $2.10 a day making a variety of garments.

Two Marches

Over the years, I have marched in the Denver, Colorado Four Directions All Nation March where the marchers step off from four directions and rally at the Colorado State Capitol.  One might ask why do Indigenous people march in Canada and America? 

First, regarding participating in a protest march, I want to encourage non-violent political movements, like those associated with leaders like Martin Luther King Jr. and Gandhi.

Justice Needs Less Superheroes and More Cry Babies

This story contains mature content.  

Justice Prayers - November 6th

The wonderful thing about praying is that you leave a world of not being able to do something, and enter God's realm where everything is possible.  He specializes in the impossible.  Nothing is too great for his Almighty power.  Nothing is too small for his love.  - Corrie TenBoom 

The “F” Word

The “F” word that I encounter regularly has a way deeper impact than the one you are probably thinking about. FEAR. 

"Forget Everything And Run” or “Face Everything And Rise. "

Climbing the Mountain of Reconciliation

I recently went on a trip to the Yukon, I’m not a big hiker so when my friend led me along the side of a steep slope on a mountain sheep trail I was well out of my comfort zone.  But I was also exhilarated, it was a new experience for me, on a perfect fall day. I was enjoying good conversation with my friend, and we could see our goal far up the hill.  

Justice Prayers - October 16th

Therefore, since we are receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, let us be thankful, and so worship God acceptably with reverence and awe.  - Hebrews 12:28

Justice Prayers - October 2nd

Guide me in your truth and teach me, for you are God my Savior, and my hope is in you all day long. - Psalm 25:5


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