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Ten Activities for Kids During a Pandemic

While COVID-19 has affected everyone deeply, immigrants and refugees to the United States are particularly vulnerable. Here are ten activities for you and your kids, grandkids, nieces, and nephews to do during the pandemic!  How can we continue to learn, grow in our understanding, and support immigrants and refugees?

Chipping Away of U.S. Legal Immigration: March Edition

Note to readers: Due to our current circumstances, many immigration services and policies are being influenced by the Coronavirus pandemic. Therefore, we have split this post into Coronavirus-related updates, and regular immigration updates.

Hear Us Out - Protect the Vulnerable

The various ministries of the Christian Reformed Church in North America strive to care for our vulnerable neighbors well.  During this time of COVID-19 there are many ways in which we, as people of faith, can continue the work of loving our neighbors.  In fact, many of you are likely taking steps to physically distance yourself as a current expression of love!  

Justice Prayers - March 18, 2020

The Lord is my shepherd, I lack nothing. He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters, he refreshes my soul. He guides me along the right paths for his name’s sake. - Psalm 23

A Firsthand Encounter with Migration in Central America

“We were at the Guatemala-Mexico border for three months. When the UN rights groups came to clean the showers every few weeks, we would rush for the showers so we could clean our kids. Later they gave us one diaper for our two kids, un pañal por dos niños!!!” she said, roaring in laughter, looking to her nephew in his late teens, who laughed along with her. 

Justice Prayers - February 19, 2020

To be a Christian without prayer is no more possible than to be alive without breathing.  - Martin Luther 

Never Again in an Era of Mixed Migration

Never again. These are words that I have heard echoed many, many times in my life in reference specifically to the Holocaust and the driving force behind the 1951 Refugee Convention and the 1967 Protocol. Never again will honorable countries and state entities turn away people who have a well-founded fear of persecution based on race, religion, nationality, political opinion or membership in a social group.

Justice Prayers - February 5 2020

"Don't be discouraged today.  You can leave your 'what-ifs' and 'if-onlys' in the hands of the One who loves you and rules all things." - Paul Tripp

The Chipping Away of U.S. Legal Immigration: January Edition

What has happed to immigration policy since our last update?  Here’s a list of important things you should know broken down for a quick overview.  

The Cry of the Future: A Groaning Creation

As we embark into this new year, the new journey, the new decade it is with a sense of urgency that the people of God are awakened. In our world today we there are wars and rumors of wars, calamities happening across the land; Australian fires, earthquakes, floods, and the likes. Hatred and bigotry spewing like never before; children and adults locked in cages bound by walls, young black women being kidnapped by the droves, with no explanation as to where they have gone, sex and human trafficking at an all-time high, and what is our response?


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