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What’s happening at the border?

An increase in migrants-especially unaccompanied minors- arriving at the border has many Americans concerned about the children’s welfare and their safe and orderly processing by immigration services. 

Today, we’ll (briefly) answer 4 major questions about what is happening at the southern border.

Displacement, Despair and Death Continue for Refugees & Displaced People Worldwide

I sometimes find that the word refuge or phrases like seeking refuge lull us into a false sense of safety and security, especially when talking about people who are forcibly displaced from their homes and are given the label refugee

Justice Prayers - March 10, 2021

Make me to know your ways, O Lord; teach me your paths. - Psalm 25:4

They Will Know We Are Christians by our Refugee Resettlement

In our world today there are over 80 million people who have been forcibly displaced from their homes, including 26.4 million refugees. In my last post I mentioned that less than 1% of refugees are resettled through a formal refugee resettlement program in one of 37 formal resettlement countries yearly, but in 2020 that number dipped down to the lowest in recorded history.

Where We Are Headed With U.S. Immigration

As we close out the OSJ’s “What’s the Deal With Immigration?” series - in which we first discovered where we were and where we are now with immigration policy in the US - we will answer the question, where are we headed? 

Where We Are With Immigration

In the first article of the OSJ’s “What’s the Deal With Immigration?” series, we took a look at where we were with immigration policy in the US, discovering the ways in which our immigration system has become outdated. This piece seeks to answer where we are now, highlighting how our immigration system has become increasingly harmful in recent decades.

Justice Prayers - February 3, 2021

"Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one. You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might." - Deuteronomy 6:4-5

Where We Were With U.S. Immigration

In the OSJ’s “What’s the Deal With Immigration?” series, we are taking a look at where we were, where we are, and where we’re headed with US immigration policy. This first article seeks to answer where we were, highlighting some of the ways in which our immigration system has become outdated.

Justice Prayers - January 27, 2021

"I walk in the way of righteousness, in the paths of justice."  - Proverbs 8:20

Serving the Marginalized at the US-Mexico Border

“Sí es cierto lo que dices Melissa… yes, it’s certain what you say,” he says to me in a WhatsApp voice message, “The LGBTQ community is even more vulnerable [than other migrants].”

Pastor Samuel sighs with a weariness in his voice, messaging me from his home in Ciudad Juarez after a long day out in his truck bringing food and blankets to asylum-seekers.


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