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Creation Care

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The Faithful Roots of Environmental Justice for All

In November 2022, Representative Donald McEachin died after a years-long struggle with colorectal cancer. His death ended a lifelong commitment to justice for all creation, but his legacy lives on.

It Takes a Community: How Hunting Park is Fighting for Climate Justice

“Some neighborhoods, at any given time, can be up to 22 degrees hotter than other neighborhoods.” -Cheyenne Flores, Philadelphia Office of Sustainability

Putting the Sacred Back in Marine Sanctuaries

In waters not far off the U.S. coast, there are 15 Marine Sanctuaries, stunning marine environments where one might encounter the beauty and diversity of God’s creation. Indeed, if they were to live up to their name, one might even encounter God. The word “sanctuary” comes from the Latin word sanctus, meaning holy. In many faith traditions, the sanctuary is the place where God came to dwell. It is the holy place where believers can come to know and experience the presence of the divine.

Some Successes in Responding to the Climate Crisis and the Challenge of Methane

Most of us take for granted that we will enter a dark room and can flick on the lights, that our homes will be warm in winter, that we will look out the window of a car and watch the world go by. We just assume that the energy needed to make those things work will always be there. But the energy sources are changing.

Doing Climate Good without Giving Up

Rev Dr Ben Lowe wrote the book on doing good without giving up. (Literally.) He works as Deputy Executive Director of A Rocha International. Ben shares the practices that sustain his work and an inspiring example of grassroots Christian communities in Ghana uniting to protect creation. Ben gives encouragement for those feeling climate anxiety and how to join the work God is already doing.

Justice Prayers - February 15, 2023

You are mightier than all the breakers pounding on the seashores of the world! - Psalm 93:4

Earthquake death toll tops 41,000 in Turkey and Syria 

In the continuing aftermath of the earthquake, 100 people have been arrested in Turkey amidst a collapsed building probe.  We pray for justice, healing and also a solid rebuilding.

The Persistent Widow, the Climate Crisis and Environmental Justice

Among the passages of scripture that Christians are inspired by is the parable of the Widow and the Judge found in Luke 18:1-8. The passage informs the Christian call to social justice and the importance of persevering in the face of discouragement.

Are we on the edge of biodiversity renewal?

We’ve turned into a new calendar year, with all of its cultural energy around newness. And Christians carry on into the church year begun at Advent, and the newness brought into history in the incarnation. 

So it’s a good time to see afresh the entire world, object of God’s love, theater of God’s glory, and our miraculous home. And not only ours, but of the entire community of creation—human and ‘beyond human’ creation. 

Justice Prayers - January 18, 2023

"Now, for good friends to cheer us, for seasonal weather to envelop us, for good work to engage us, we give You thanks."  - An Evening Prayer Neal Plantinga 

What’s Your Motivation?

I, a minister in a post-Christian American city, found myself presenting on a zoom call with about a dozen community leaders. On screen with me were representatives from an agency that connects and serves local businesses, a housing developer, a woman from a company that prints materials for the Phoenix Suns basketball franchise, a leader in one of our most diverse and liberal business districts and others. Midway through my presentation, I alluded to a tune they might recognize from Ken Burns' National Parks documentary.


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