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Creation Care

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Old-Growth Christmas Tree

This December, on the West Lawn of the Capitol Grounds in Washington DC will stand the 2023 Capitol Christmas Tree. Every year since 1964, this site has been home to “The People’s Tree,” cut down in one of our nation’s National Forests and carted to the seat of legislative power to be adorned with lights and ornaments.

A Just Resource Extraction Theory?

I have struggled with recent vocational changes in an effort to feel comfortable with who I am and how I make my livelihood. And it is more complex and challenging than I have ever given much thought to before. As I approach mid-life and look back at my experiences, I do see that my decisions include making difficult choices, certain compromises and justifications.

When You Have the Chemistry

“When you have the chemistry, the biology will follow.” 
This is an actual quote from a conversation between a farmer and a soil chemistry specialist.. What are they talking about you ask??? 
They are talking about soil. 

Justice Prayers - October 4, 2023

We are dab-hands at fishing: why should we incline
To net people instead? {Matt 4:18ff
‘There’s a catch to convince you that I am divine.’

We’re five thousand famished; you tell us to dine
On two herrings? They’re red! {Mark 6:30ff
‘Except for a soul I will give you no sign.’

Whale Catch Sole Catch Pike Catch Plaice by Michael Ward

A Bluer Theology: Protecting and Restoring God’s Marine Creation

On the beach in Pacific Grove, CA, eight middle and high school students bend over the wet sand, digging as the wave water recedes to catch sand crabs. Blue Theology fellow Gabrielle Poli leads the group to catch the crabs (Pacific mole crab, to be specific), measure them, write down the data on a clipboard, and release them back into their sandy home. The students are part of a church youth group, one of many who will visit the Blue Theology Mission Station for a week over the summer.

Justice Prayers - August 16, 2023

“God’s love is like an ocean. You can see its beginning, but not its end.” Rick Warren

Thank you to everyone who contacted us last week about Do Justice prayers. We experienced technical difficulty with this website that has now been resolved.  You can read last week's prayers at this link. 

Justice Prayers - July 12, 2023

“There is not one little blade of grass, there is no color in this world that is not intended to make men rejoice.” - John Calvin

Earth Shalom Lament

Earth shalom,
The call of this poem,
While glaciers melt
And ocean reefs swelt,
Chemicals cloud the atmosphere
And plastics pollute, far and near
God’s precious creatures going extinct
And all of it, all of us, intricately linked…
Yet no confession, no lament,
No remorse, no clothing rent
Deaf to the cry, the lament of the wild
Deaf to the sound

The Faithful Roots of Environmental Justice for All

In November 2022, Representative Donald McEachin died after a years-long struggle with colorectal cancer. His death ended a lifelong commitment to justice for all creation, but his legacy lives on.

It Takes a Community: How Hunting Park is Fighting for Climate Justice

“Some neighborhoods, at any given time, can be up to 22 degrees hotter than other neighborhoods.” -Cheyenne Flores, Philadelphia Office of Sustainability


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