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Already and Not Yet

Reflect on our role in God's restorative work, and recognize both renewal and continued brokenness. Be encouraged by stories of challenges and successes in the pursuit of shalom.


The sum of all our efforts didn’t add up and meet our expectations. We read books on how to renew a church. We discerned the future with the congregation. The Council met late into the night discussing strategic changes to attract younger members. We renovated the building, updated the logo, and installed a new sign at the road. We went door to door and mailed 5,000 postcards inviting our neighbors to church. We provided local service opportunities for our members to put their faith into practice. And yet, all of our efforts didn’t add up. The pews were still empty.



The last couple of months before I left Malawi, I was confronted with so many people enduring challenging life events. As I walked into church, the hospitality greeter asked me when I would start the trauma healing group that I had a few years ago again. She said that she was sexually harassed at work and when she reported it, her company fired her. She is heartbroken and hurting… and jobless. She misses attending the trauma healing group because it was a space where she could share what she was feeling.

Climate Hospitality

Last year, I gave a talk to a group of churches in Black Mountain, NC, a beautiful small town in the Blue Ridge Mountains, right outside of Asheville. I shared with them that their region is generally considered a “climate refuge,” shielded from the worst effects of climate change. Hurricane Helene shattered that illusion, claiming 115 lives in North Carolina and leaving thousands without basic necessities.

Deep versus Shallow Medicine: Imagining a New System of Health

At a recent screening of Johnny Lee’s documentary, “Canadiation: Impacts of the Doctrine of Discovery,” a good Christian man came to Johnny and myself before the documentary was over to share his views.

Where Healing Happens

Discount? Why, yes please! A friend asked if I was interested in attending the Courageous Conversations Conference, with her to be a part of a group rate. Courageous Conversations is “an annual gathering that unites Black voices from both conservative and progressive spaces and believes in the power of diverse thought to foster growth and understanding.” Get a discount? To attend a conference I already planned on attending? Yes, Ma’am! The conference, organized by Jude 3, had already been on my radar since I saw some of their content on social media.

Justice from the ground of Thanksgiving

The book of Genesis begins with a beautiful telling of the creation of the universe. It is a good creation and after humanity is on the scene it is a very good creation. The human story is a beautiful one with communion with the Creator, a beautiful garden, relationship with animals, the beginning of family life, and all of this takes place in a time of harmony.

Decay Does not have the Last Word

We (Paul and Barnabas) tell you the good news: What God promised our fathers he has fulfilled for us, their children, by raising up Jesus.


God With Us

"When I am afraid, I put my trust in you. In God, whose word I praise— in God I trust and am not afraid. What can mere mortals do to me?" - Psalm 56:3-4

Walk for Reconciliation

How shall we demonstrate our solidarity with our First Nations brothers and sisters? 

Justice: “Survival” of the fittest?

What images and associations come to mind when you ponder the phrase, “Survival of the fittest?”

All my life I have assumed that the phrase meant the strongest ones become stronger and more numerous while the weakest ones diminish and eventually die out. I picture ads for fitness clubs showcased by hyper-muscled super-humans. I’ve also assumed that this summary of Darwinianism undermined biblical notions of justice; thus, my calling as a Christian was to defend and support those weaker ones. Survival of the fittest? NO! That’s not the “Jesus way.



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