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The Joys and Messiness of Intercultural Ministry

Gary Timmermans shares about the CRCNA's multicultural cohort. These cohort brings together churches to share experiences, challenges, and successes in fostering intercultural ministry. Gary shares stories from churches that embraced their multicultural congregations.


When Loss Meets Grace

I sang in the junior church choir, I wore a white shirt and black slacks as the official uniform at Unity Fellowship Missionary Baptist Church. If my mother did not secure a ride from a church deacon or member, we rode the Chicago Transit Authority buses to bring us to one of the many houses of worship that served as refuges from Chicago styled racism suffered during the week. 

Stories that Free Us to Live More Faithfully

Biblical stories guide us in our walk of faith and are often told through the land— the Isrealites journey through the desert, Moses’ burning bush, gatherings by the shore to hear Jesus preach, and the journey to Emmaus. These stories are not only preserved in our sacred text but Israelites honored some of these stories by erecting stone remembrances on the landscape (Joshua 4:9). 

What do you see?

Sometimes I travel solo and when I do, it allows me to people-watch and be more perceptive of situations around me. One such time was a trip to California this past May.


Being Different

I immigrated to the United States when I was 6 years old; a few months shy of turning 7. I started second grade without a word of English. My mother dressed me in what she thought was cute, but her idea of cute in the 80s was not American’s view of a fashionable 7-year-old. So at age 7, I started elementary school in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, surrounded by kids that did not look like me and couldn’t talk to me. The games that were played on the playground and the topics talked about in the classroom were foreign to me.

Intercultural Ministries Introduces the Collective

Across Canada, there is a growing interest in becoming a healthy intercultural church as ethnic & racial diversity becomes a fundamental reality. According to Statistics Canada (2022), projections indicate that by 2041, one out of two Canadians will be a BIPoC.  The Intercultural Ministries in Canada help the church respond to this context.


My Retirement is Today

My last day with the CRCNA is May 31st, 2024. The thought of retirement is intriguing. I used to wonder how far away it was, with my plan initially set for 2028. But now, it's just around the corner, and I'm filled with anticipation and excitement. 


Learning the Anti-Apartheid Movement

South Africa has always held a special place in my heart. I have long appreciated Nelson Mandela's autobiography, Long Walk to Freedom, which is a cherished book on my shelf. How could one not be moved by the journey of a leader who endured 27 years in prison, ultimately chose not to be violent, and emerged as the liberator of his people? 

The Benefits of Lament on the Heart

The Belhar Confession has been described appropriately as “a cry from the heart.” It is an embodiment of lament in the face of racial injustice. I have found myself lamenting lately. I lament my father who was targeted by police because of his resistance to factory farming through butchering animals in his backyard - as he did in his home country.

West Virginia, Mountain Mama

I went to a writer’s conference last weekend and it was everything I expected and everything I didn’t expect. I mean what do you think of when you hear: West Virginia? "Take me home, Country Roads to a place I belong, West Virginia, Mountain Mama."  For a split second, I only referenced this song as one I learned in Elementary school, not as a John Denver classic. 



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