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Justice and Worship

Justice Prayers is a weekly post with 3-5 prayers addressing justice issues from around the world, sent straight to Do Justice subscribers' inboxes every Wednesday. 

Reflect, lament, pray, and incorporate God's ongoing narrative of justice for the vulnerable into your devotional life and congregational worship services.Forward them to your pastor for Sunday's congregational prayer, add them to your church bulletin, print them for use in small groups, or supplement your personal devotions.

See archives from before July 2021 here

Justice Prayers - May 31, 2023

From ocean unto ocean
our land shall name you, Lord
and, filled with true devotion,
obey your sovereign word;

- From Ocean unto Ocean

Justice Prayers - May 24, 2023

Art far from shore, and weary worn,
The sky o’ercast, the canvas torn?
Hark ye! a voice to thee is borne:
“Sail on! sail on! sail on!”

- Sail On!

Western States Reach Deal on Water Conservation

The Colorado River has been dangerously low and a usage deal was reached with there states that depend on it. California, Nevada and Arizona have committed to a 13% reduction in use over the next 3 years to conserve water for everyone. These decisions in a time climate change and extreme drought will be more common in the coming years. 

Justice Prayers - May 17, 2023

O Lord of heav'n and earth and sea,
To thee all praise and glory be!
How shall we show our love to thee,
Who givest all?

- O Lord of Heaven and Earth and Sea

Justice Prayers - May 10, 2023

"He said to them, “Cast the net on the right side of the boat, and you will find some.” So they cast it, and now they were not able to haul it in, because of the quantity of fish." - John 21:6

South Sudanese refugees have to return home as their safe place in Sudan is compromised

Refugees from South Sudan’s civil war who had been living in Sudan have now been forced to move back to their unsafe homes.  We pray for the tenuous living conditions for those most affected by conflict and struggles for power. 

Justice Prayers - May 3, 2023

The whole earth will be brimming with knowing God-Alive, a living knowledge of God ocean-deep, ocean-wide - Isaiah 11:9 (MSG) 

U.S. Could Run Out of Cash by June 1

Treasury Secretary Janet L. Yellen said on Monday that the United States could run out of money to pay its bills by June 1 if Congress does not raise or suspend the debt limit, putting pressure on President Biden and lawmakers to reach an agreement to avoid a default.

Justice Prayers - April 26, 2023

And he directed the people to sit down on the grass. Taking the five loaves and the two fish and looking up to heaven, he gave thanks and broke the loaves. Then he gave them to the disciples, and the disciples gave them to the people. - Matthew 14:19

Continuing prayers for Sudan

In violence between two rial military factions that has killed 400 people since April 15 and injured 1000’s, evacuations of non-Sudanese citizens have escalated. We pray for those trying to leave and for those who stay amidst water and power shortages.

Justice Prayers - April 19, 2023

O the deep love, love of Jesus
Spread His praise from shore to shore
How He loves me, O He loves me
And He changes, nevermore

- The God of Sea and Stars Simple Hymns

Justice Prayers - April 12, 2023

With a word, the waves will separate
Who You were, You are, You'll never change
Hearts will heal and mountains move
There is nothing that You cannot do

Anti-democratic fallout from protests for gun control

Justice Prayers - April 5, 2023

"On that day living water will flow out from Jerusalem, ... The Lord will be king over the whole earth. On that day there will be one Lord, and his name the only name." - Zechariah 14: 8-9

Justice Prayers - March 29, 2023

who stilled the roaring of the seas,
    the roaring of their waves,
    and the turmoil of the nations.
The whole earth is filled with awe at your wonders;
    where morning dawns, where evening fades,
    you call forth songs of joy.

- Psalm 65:7-8


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