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Already and Not Yet

Reflect on our role in God's restorative work, and recognize both renewal and continued brokenness. Be encouraged by stories of challenges and successes in the pursuit of shalom.

Engage 2016: Is the CRC truly “God’s Diverse and Unified Family?”

Dr. Michelle Loyd-Paige spoke openly and honestly about her experience as an African-American woman on the opening night of the Engage 2016 conference, a multiethnic gathering on the grounds of Calvin College in Grand Rapids this past June. For many, including the two of us, that talk was one of the highlights of the conference (which is significant because there were so many great speakers!). Loyd-Paige’s talk was prophetic in two senses—it spoke truth to power and it was a sign of things to come


The Day Strangers Invited Me in and Clothed Me

But the hospitality we were shown in Mangulile did not have requirements or qualifications. This was give-up-my-seat-for-you, give-up-my-job-for-you, give-you-the-brand-new-shirt-off-my-back kind of hospitality.

#CRClistens: Ordinary Acts of Love

One of the most troubling realities of my life has been my deep differences with some of the people I love most. When it comes to some of what I feel with the most intensity, believe with the strongest conviction, care about most deeply, I have had to accept that these beloved ones are not going to change – and neither am I. 

A Step Toward Religious Freedom for all Christians

Freedom of religion is important to Canadians and Americans and is guaranteed by the Constitutions of both countries.  No one can be prohibited from worshipping as they wish. The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms guarantees that right for Canadians. The First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution ensures religious freedom for people who live in the U.S.

What Black History Month means to Me

As a young Black girl I recall feeling a mixture of discomfort and pride at the start of February. February marked Black History Month and it was a time when teachers would try to rally and cajole their Black students to participate in assemblies and presentations. Some students felt these events were unnecessary—the same opportunities weren’t afforded them to celebrate their cultural heritage year-round as part of the school’s curriculum. Some of us felt that our cultures were not readily embraced during every other month of the year.

Advent: The Spiritual Work of Waiting

I’ve cried a lot this Advent. Watching video clips of Syrian refugees arriving in the Toronto airport gets me every time. (Watch this one from Vancouver. I dare you to stay dry-eyed.) I watch them with awe; I still can’t quite believe that Canada has done such a 180 degree turn and chosen to welcome more than 25,000 of these beautiful children of God.

Pro-Life series: Porn is not a Victimless Crime

"The enemy comes to steal, kill, and destroy. I have come that they may have abundant life."  (John 10:10)

Porn steals, kills, and destroys on so many levels.  It dishonors, disrespects, devalues, dehumanizes, demeans, and degrades human life. We have reclassed someone who is made in the image of God to being a “virtual pixelized prostitute.”


Pro-Life series: Life and Death on Lampedusa

This is the 10th post in our "What Being Pro-Life Means to Me" series! What does being pro-life mean to you? Over this fall, we'll hear various writers respond to that question. Learn more and subscribe for weekly email updates. 


What Being Pro-Life Means to Me- Christy Berghoef

It is clear that anyone who cares deeply for the sanctity of human life must not only be opposed to the policy of drone warfare, but must be an advocate to end it.

Learning from Laudato Si'

While the scientific and policy issues raised in the encyclical will get the most press attention, Francis is primarily doing theology. He emphasizes repeatedly that non-human creatures are not here only to serve us.


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