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Mary Crickmore is West Africa Team Leader for World Renew. 

Kyle holds a BA in Peace and Conflict Studies from Messiah College, and a Master of Divinity Degree from Emory University’s Candler School of Theology. Kyle was first introduced to Middle East advocacy work during a semester abroad in Cairo, Egypt. After graduating from college, Kyle spent 10 months serving with the Mennonite Central Committee in Bethlehem, Palestine, where he was seconded to work with Bethlehem Bible College. Most recently, Kyle served as the Program Assistant for Middle East Policy at the Friends Committee on Legislation where he helped coordinate lobbying work on Middle East policy and trained grassroots advocates on how to lobby their Congressional representatives.

Isaiah is a Master of Divinity candidate at Beeson Divinity School, with a concentration in Missions. He is the youngest son of Salvadoran Pentecostal pastors, and grew up in the Assemblies of God. He is now a member of the Episcopal Church, regularly attending the Cathedral Church of the Advent (Birmingham, AL). Isaiah wants to pursue further education beyond seminary, with the hope of providing theological resources for churches to use when talking about racial reconciliation, immigration, and various other biblical justice issues.

Brenda Cuellar is currently serving with Frontera de Cristo as the U.S. Coordinator of the Migrant Resource on the US/MX border. Brenda was born in Maryland to immigrant parents and raised in Michigan where she became passionate about immigration and human rights. 

Jeremiah Damir Bašurić is a Pastor at mosaicHouse Church, a multi-cultural Reformed church plant in Edmonton. He also educates the general public on the issues of poverty and homelessness as a Community Engagement Coordinator at an organization called The Mustard Seed. Jeremiah has also studied Environmental Studies at the King’s University and desires to see God’s kingdom invade all creation. From his Croatian father he has developed a love for soccer. From his Filipino mother he has developed a love for singing. When he is not eating Filipino food or playing music, you can find him hiking in the mountains with his Canadian-Dutch-Frisian wife Sarah, who is a registered nurse. 

Andreas Daugaard is research director at Asociación para una Sociedad más Justa (ASJ), the national chapter of Transparency International in Honduras. At ASJ, he undertakes research on justice issues affecting the most vulnerable Hondurans together with his team. He holds a Master of Laws (LL.M.) from Copenhagen University and is PDH candidate at the University of Salamanca in Spain. Before joining ASJ, he worked at the Danish Ministry of Justice and the Danish Institute for Human Rights. Andreas has been volunteering in Honduras since 2014 and has lived there as a resident since 2019.

Kendra Utter David is an Immigration and Justice Specialist with the CRC Office of Social Justice, and is focused on mobilizing congregations to better understand immigration from a biblical perspective, and take action and advocate. She holds a BA in both Community Development and English. Previously, Kendra worked for a local housing non profit, working with families to achieve their goal of home ownership.

Avery Davis Lamb is Co-Executive Director of Creation Justice Ministries. Creation Justice Ministries’ mission is to educate, equip and mobilize communions and denominations, congregations, and individuals to protect, restore, and rightly share God's creation. 

Avery has a Bachelor of Arts in Biology and Sustainability from Pepperdine University, a Master of Environmental Management in Ecosystem Science & Conservation with a certificate in Community-Based Environmental Management from the Nicholas School of the Environment at Duke University, and a Master of Theological Studies, with a certificate in Faith, Food & Environmental Justice from Duke Divinity School. His research focuses on the role of religious communities in building climate resilience and adaptation, with emphasis on the virtue of “climate hospitality.”

You can find Avery on Twitter at @averydavislamb.

Learn more about Creation Justice Ministries at and find Creation Justice Ministries on social media at and @CreationJustice.

Tim De Jonge is an ordained minister in the CRC, a certified Spiritual Care Practitioner with the Canadian Association for Spiritual Care, and a Registered Psychotherapist in Ontario. He is an endorsed chaplain through Chaplaincy and Care Ministry. He has worked in a variety of settings in the US and Canada-- congregation, hospice program, long-term care home, and hospital. He lives in Kingston with his wife, Heidi, who is also an ordained CRC minister, and their three daughters-- Samara, Naomi, and Zoe.

Thea deGroot is a retired elementary and adult education teacher who worked in both Christian schools and in non-school settings such as public housing, First Nations resource centres, and some supply in the local jail. Thea and her husband Art are members of Redeemer Christian Reformed Church. They raised three daughters during the CRCs years of deliberation on ‘women in office.’  Two of their daughters now live in Winnipeg and Morden, Manitoba and one lives in Kitchener, Ontario where they are collectively raising seven of Art and Thea’s grandsons and one granddaughter. Thea also enjoys gardening, cooking, reading, keeping up with politics, and going for long walks. 
