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Laura Harjanto serves as the Mobilizing and Advocacy Fellow for 2020-2021 for the Office of Social Justice. She studied Political Science, Economics, and Philosophy at Calvin University. 

As a speech and debate coach, Bill Harris loves working with young people to help them find their own voice. As a long-time resident of Grand Rapids, he also works to give voice to community needs for racial relations, education, and urban policy. Bill regularly travels with his wife to Chicago to visit their three grandchildren.

Christian Hawkins is an AmeriCorps VISTA member serving as a Refugee Advocacy Specialist at Bethany Christian Services. He previously worked on political campaigns at the state and federal levels, and more recently spent two years abroad as a History teacher. After returning to the United States, he has been actively engaged with promoting greater awareness and understanding of refugee issues.

Tammy Heidbuurt, Regional Ministry Developer (East) with Diaconal Ministries Canada, supports the work of deacons in their call to lead the church in doing justice and loving mercy. Tammy is a part of New Hope Church, (Hamilton, ON) finding creative ways to work with neighbours on projects both big and small, to practice hospitality in the city.

Sophia Henager is the Policy Analyst and Advocacy Fellow in the CRC Office of Social Justice. She has a BA in International Relations and Political Science from Gonzaga University in Spokane, Washington and was born and raised in eastern Washington.

Coming from Trinity Western University in British Columbia, Rose is finishing up her program in Psychology while here in Ottawa. She is passionate about people and their human flourishing, especially in the realm of justice at the intersection of mental health and the law. Calling many places home, Rose is originally from the U.S., and is taking in everything she can while living in the capital of the country @twu_llc, learning about advocacy, justice, and leadership in our government system.

Robin Heppner Entz lives and works in Mali with World Renew with her husband, Zachary, and their 4 children. 

Kelsey Herbert is the Immigration Mobilizer for the CRC Office of Social Justice. She works on mobilizing congregations to advocate for comprehensive immigration reform in the United States. She graduated from Hope College in Holland, MI with a degree in International Studies and Spanish. She is passionate about living into a holistic gospel and the deep interconnectedness of all of humanity and creation. 

Megan works as a Communications Coordinator with the Office of Social Justice and with Faith Formation Ministries. She graduated from Taylor University with a degree in English Literature and Systems and loves talking about the intersection of faith, story-telling and culture. She is excited to use her communication skills to connect people with resources and networks that equip them to do justice and love their neighbors. Megan and her houseplants currently live in Byron Center, Michigan.
