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Posted: January 12, 2024

I was at the United Nations conference on climate change (called “COP” for Conference of Parties) in Dubai of the United Arab Emirates in December. I watched a David versus Goliath battle.

Posted: January 10, 2024

O Lord, protect your people with your shepherd’s staff; lead your flock, your special possession.  - Micah 7:14

Posted: January 8, 2024

Mother Teresa once said this: “I do not believe in the big way of doing things. I only believe in the person in front of me.”

Posted: January 5, 2024

Enjoy this look back at the top Do Justice articles written in 2023 (ranked by top pageviews).  It was a big year for us to be reading and praying about justice and you’ll see themes of this year in all of our top articles.  It is our hope and pra

Posted: January 3, 2024

The Lord does not forget the cry of the oppressed. - Psalm 9:12

Posted: December 27, 2023

Lord, thank you for 2023.  I put my 2024 in your hands.  

As we exit 2023 we intentionally pray with gratitude for good news from this year.    

Posted: December 22, 2023

Although the story of Herod killing all the boy babies under two in Bethlehem is a post Christmas story, it is associated with it. The joy of birth comes after the immediate pain of childbirth.

Posted: December 20, 2023

“The light shines in the darkness but the darkness has not understood it.” - John 1: 6 

Posted: December 20, 2023

George de Vuyst, is a missionary with Resonate Global Mission.  He has been serving in Ukraine since 1998.

Posted: December 18, 2023

“After 13 hours, it finally feels like Christmas!” exclaimed one of my granddaughters.  Her younger sister with a big smile tells me that decorating the tree and our home is the best part of Christmas.  Having my grandchildren come over
