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Posted: September 21, 2018

Kids can be pretty focused on fairness. "Elijah got more cake than me!" "Sarah isn't sharing the swing with me!" If you work or live with kids, these might be common refrains in your life!

Posted: September 17, 2018

The letter to the attorney begins, “I am Wesley Heersink's brother, Stan... It is with frustration and disappointment that I am writing this letter to you now. The letters we have written to the church leadership go unanswered...”

Posted: September 14, 2018

My wife and I were ready for our new adventure as a future clergy couple in New Jersey.

Posted: September 10, 2018

For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven:

Posted: September 7, 2018

In January 2018, the Trump administration held back $65 million of a planned contribution of $125 million to the United Nations agency charged with caring

Posted: September 4, 2018

It’s the beginning of a new school year. I work at a higher education institution, so this time of year means interactions aplenty with parents of new college students, as well as new students themselves.

Posted: August 30, 2018

We offer you this prayer and litany to support your congregations as they work to welcome the stranger, in word and in deed. 

Posted: August 27, 2018

This year I took a leap of faith. I’m starting a new season of life and taking a humbling journey of hustling to be a social entrepreneur.

Posted: August 24, 2018

In the hundreds of conversations I’ve had about climate change, hope, and stewardship, the talk inevitably turns to politics. Rightly so.

Posted: August 20, 2018

A simple Google search for “main causes of food insecurity” pulls up a list of some things that one might expect. Drought. Pests. Poverty. Climate change. Conflict. Corruption. And so on.
