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Posted: November 23, 2020

Creation care during COVID-19. What a weird time. On the one hand people are recognizing the importance of getting outside and enjoying creation.

Posted: November 20, 2020

When people hear about the work I do with survivors, they often want to share with me the latest story they have heard about trafficking.

Posted: November 18, 2020

Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path. Psalm 119:105

Posted: November 16, 2020

I was recently invited as a guest speaker for a webinar with ecumenical partners, to share some information on global forced displacement and migration.

Posted: November 13, 2020

Ladner Christian Reformed Church (Delta, B.C.) welcomed former refugees Kukuye and Kiya, along with their daughters, to Canada on October 1st.  The family shared some of their story with the church community while they were in quarantine

Posted: November 11, 2020

Who has held the oceans in His hands?
Who has numbered every grain of sand?
Kings and nations tremble at His voice
All creation rises to rejoice!
Behold our God seated on His throne
Come, let us adore Him

Posted: November 9, 2020

Earlier this month, there was significant uncertainty about which candidate would win the 2020 U.S. Presidential Election. Nonetheless, it is clear that whoever is in the White House for the next four years, U.S.

Posted: November 6, 2020

I write this the morning after an election in a country not my own.  

Posted: November 4, 2020

Hear my cry, O God
Listen to my prayer
From the ends of the earth
I call to You

And when my heart
Is overwhelmed
Lead me to the rock

Posted: November 2, 2020

Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Matthew 5:10 NIV
