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Posted: August 31, 2022
So with every breath you give to breathe,
I pray it's your glory that they see.
And of all the words this world could say,
may they say I am full of grace.
Posted: August 31, 2022

Jacqui Mignault is one of the writers behind weekly Do Justice prayers. As a pastor, she talks about what it’s like to practice bringing current events before God.

Posted: August 29, 2022

If you spend enough time with those dedicated to addressing the urgent issues of our time, you will eventually hear that we need to get people to ‘pay attention’.  Whether you and your friends are urging your city council to curb urban s

Posted: August 26, 2022

The home is the foundation of a lot of good and bad things society experiences today and this impacts future generations.  God ‘s grand design and plan desired that man should not stay alone but live in community with a suitable helper f

Posted: August 24, 2022

Lead, kindly Light, amid the gloom of evening.
Lord, lead me on! Lord, lead me on!
On through the night! On to your radiance!
Lead, kindly Light! 

- John Henry Newman

Posted: August 22, 2022

Another summer of extreme heat, wildfires, drought, and flooding events around the world may have you and your church more concerned than ever about climate change.

Posted: August 19, 2022

On a warm Sunday evening in downtown Thorold, a young couple and their two girls walked down the street.  Suddenly, the smell of dinner caught their nose. They peeked inside the school door only to be welcomed and invited to stay for a meal.

Posted: August 17, 2022

"The spirit of prayer is for all times and occasions; it is a lamp that is to be always burning, a light to be ever shining: everything calls for it; everything is to be done in it and governed by it, because it is and means and wills nothing else

Posted: August 16, 2022

Songs about the end of the world and stuff.  [Actually] we have a great conversation about ways churches in North America can think about their relationship with creation in a new way through the music offered in the Climate Vigil Album

Posted: August 15, 2022

“That is the fundamental nature of gifts: they move and their value increases with their passage. The fields made a gift of berries to us and we made a gift of them to our father.
