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Posted: August 23, 2017

Hospitality was a big deal in biblical Israel. Abraham hurried to offer “three seahs of the finest flour” and a “choice, tender calf” to three men passing by his tent, even before learning that his guests were no mere humans (Genesis 18).

Posted: August 18, 2017

I have a confession to make.

Posted: August 14, 2017

After serving more than 38 years in congregational ministry, Rev. Bill Vanden Bosch and his wife, Lyn, have been leading “disciple’s pilgrimages” to Israel since 1999.

Posted: August 11, 2017

Not long ago, I spent an afternoon smoking a cigarette with a convicted drug dealer and thief. Well, I wasn’t smoking the cigarette, but I was there nonetheless, enjoying the second-hand smoke and conversation.

Posted: August 7, 2017

As I listened, the truth became clear to me: These are not issues. They are people. 

Posted: August 4, 2017

The past few weeks I have been taking a new bus route to work from my friend’s house. The route passes through Vancouver’s Downtown Eastside, a neighbourhood that is seen by many as a place of homelessness, poverty, and addiction.

Posted: July 31, 2017

I’ve recently read three books which have helped me to become aware of my privilege.

Posted: July 27, 2017

We need your voice! Do you get excited about sharing your passion for social justice with others and inviting them to take action? Do you want to have an active role in sparking constructive conversations about social justice issues?

Posted: July 25, 2017

One of the dismaying trends within evangelical Protestantism in America is the growing divide between those evangelicals who emphasize the church’s responsibility to proclaim a gospel of individual conversion and those who emphasize the church’s r

Posted: July 21, 2017

Editor's introduction: Omar Khadr, an Afghan-Canadian, is accused of having thrown the grenade that killed American Sergeant Christopher Speer in 2002 when Khadr was 15. He was incarcerated at Guantanamo Bay for ten years.
