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Are Synod Statements helpful?

It is a primary belief of reformed Christians that God is at work in the world healing that which is broken and calling all Christians to participate in God’s redemption of the world.

Justified in Christ’s Love

Recently, I spoke on the phone to one of my neighbors who was terminally ill. She was excited to hear my voice though from afar due to COVID-19 pandemic. Social distancing is a necessity as we have to abide by preventative measures.  But support for those in need, in person, is our social safety net - especially in the African culture. Support, care and encouragement from others is a critical piece in life.  At the end of the conversation, I could hear from her feeble voice, “Yes,” to Christ’s lordship. She was introduced to Christ.

A Pandemic Examen

Is it just me, or has it been hard to remember what day it is during this pandemic? 

Discipleship 101

Let’s think about Saul.  He was on his way to Damascus, acting as a leader in the movement for his people. For his God.

Justice Prayers - June 10, 2020

Let the morning bring me word of your unfailing love, for I have put my trust in you. Show me the way I should go, for to you I entrust my life.  - Psalm 143:8

In response to the continued calls for racial justice around the world, we devote our prayers again this week to confession and the reconciliation of the church.

Inspired by the Belhar Confession

Justice Prayers - June 3, 2020

The last few weeks have shaken us again.  This is not business as usual or prayer as usual.  Our African American sisters and brothers in Christ have been calling for lament, for equality, for justice, for a long time.  And so we have not asked them to teach us something new.  Rather, we point you to prayers and laments written several years ago when we found ourselves in similarly raw moments.  Join us in lament and on this long journey of pursuing racial justice.

Dear Church

Dear Church,

As I write this letter, I find myself in a place of lament. I lament the deaths of Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor, George Floyd, and many black lives taken by the grasp of white supremacy. I lament the numerous blacks lives that are being taken by this pandemic. 

Our World is Saved by Super-Weakness

Have you ever been asked that weird ice-breaker question: if you could have a superpower what would it be? My answer would be super-weakness. Let me explain. I have always wondered why Superhero movies are so popular lately. To be honest I was over the fad back when the first X-Men movie came out. So I did a bit of research. Out of the many theories out there, I came to this conclusion: superheroes are a metaphor of our lives and they personify our ultimate hopes.

Teach Us To Number Our Days

I have long found Celtic Christianity and prayer to be a source of sustenance.  Its tradition of integrating worship and work, prayer and practice, neighbour love and ordinary labour always meets me where I am and nudges me closer to the kingdom.

Community and Connection

Like many around the globe, my ministry, my family, and I have had to make changes to our way of life in light of COVID-19. This spring, Restorations had been looking forward to completing the renovations of our home where we hope to launch our residential program for survivors of human trafficking and commercial sexual exploitation later this year. COVID-19 has brought disappointments – like turning away a large group of volunteers from local CRC churches who had been eagerly waiting to help paint the house.


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