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Peace & War

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Allahu Akbar - Finding God in Umm El Kheir

The Arabic phrase Allahu Akbar might be literally translated as “God is the greatest.” It is an expression we often hear in the American media devoid of any theological significance and as a trope to justify discrimination against Muslims and Islamic believers in God (Allah). And yet - for many religious Muslims - it is simply a reminder that God is in control and worthy to be praised. 

Justice Prayers - April 26, 2023

And he directed the people to sit down on the grass. Taking the five loaves and the two fish and looking up to heaven, he gave thanks and broke the loaves. Then he gave them to the disciples, and the disciples gave them to the people. - Matthew 14:19

Continuing prayers for Sudan

In violence between two rial military factions that has killed 400 people since April 15 and injured 1000’s, evacuations of non-Sudanese citizens have escalated. We pray for those trying to leave and for those who stay amidst water and power shortages.

Justice Prayers - April 5, 2023

"On that day living water will flow out from Jerusalem, ... The Lord will be king over the whole earth. On that day there will be one Lord, and his name the only name." - Zechariah 14: 8-9

Justice Prayers - March 21, 2023

You answer us with awesome and righteous deeds, God our Savior, the hope of all the ends of the earth and of the farthest seas - Psalm 65:5

Ontario to see higher numbers of economic immigrants under federal agreement

Ontario is set to double the number of economic immigrants it welcomes to the province under an agreement with the federal government to boost the Ontario Immigrant Nominee Program.

The Holy Land Unplugged: American Christian Investment and Responsible Pilgrimage

As I write this, I am en route to the Holy Land … A place that I hold deep in my heart and that is sacred to many believers around the world. The land is holy and has such rich history and theological significance. But the “holy land” can not be understood apart from the contemporary geopolitics between Israel and the occupied Palestinian territories. And today, the realities on the ground continue to escalate with some of the worst violence we’ve seen in years.

Justice Prayers - March 1, 2023

"He got up, rebuked the wind and said to the waves, “Quiet! Be still!” Then the wind died down and it was completely calm." - Mark 4:39

1 Year Anniversary of Ukraine War

It has been one year since Russia invaded Ukraine, plunging families into war and displacing millions. We pray on this grim anniversary for resolution.

Justice Prayers - February 15, 2023

You are mightier than all the breakers pounding on the seashores of the world! - Psalm 93:4

Earthquake death toll tops 41,000 in Turkey and Syria 

In the continuing aftermath of the earthquake, 100 people have been arrested in Turkey amidst a collapsed building probe.  We pray for justice, healing and also a solid rebuilding.

Justice Prayers - February 8, 2023

Let the King of my heart be the wind inside my sails and the anchor in the waves. - King of My Heart

Justice Prayers - January 11, 2022

"God made sky and soil, sea and all the fish in it. He always does what he says— he defends the wronged, he feeds the hungry. God frees prisoners— he gives sight to the blind, he lifts up the fallen." - Psalm 146:3 MSG 

Justice Prayers - January 4, 2023

Simon said, “Master, we’ve been fishing hard all night and haven’t caught even a minnow. But if you say so, I’ll let out the nets.” It was no sooner said than done—a huge haul of fish, straining the nets past capacity. - Luke 5:5-7 MSG


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