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Economic Justice

Learn more on the Office of Social Justice website.

Have something to say about economic justice? Write for us!

Justice and Consumption

The Creation Care Preaching Challenge submissions are in! Thank you to everyone who participated for helping us to reflect on the Bible's teachings about creation care.

God is at Work in the Marketplace

It’s been three weeks of taking in the wonder that is India—its vibrant colors, the delicious food, its immense complexity and diversity, and the warm and kind people who have greeted, been with, and served us as guests in their home country.

I have spent the last three weeks with fourteen Calvin College students and two colleagues, Leonard and Karen Van Drunen, on the Business as Mission India Interim trip. We are here to learn about best business practices from Indian business people, and to observe and learn from our neighbors how God is at work in the marketplace.

Pro-Life series: Canadian Mining Companies in Latin America

As a Canadian living in Latin America, I would like Canada to be more known in the region for its donuts than for harmful foreign policy. Now is a good time to ask for change that upholds the right to a dignified life for all. 

Faith and Business on the Razor's Edge

I’m driving down a dirt road somewhere in Western Kenya. It has been raining heavily in recent days, so the consistency of the surface of the road is something like semi-melted butter. I’m with my friend and colleague, a pastor at a local church. His church has recently facilitated a business training program designed not only to improve the economic bottom line of the businesses within his congregation, but also the social, spiritual, and environmental impacts of the business.  

Infrastructure for Peace

I was talking to two old friends during a recent visit to Mampuján, the Colombian community I lived in for two years, when a horn honked down the street. Ana Felicia sat up with a start, yelled something about her garbage and ran out the door, leaving me confused.

Does Obamacare Match with Biblical Ethics?

During this U.S. Government shutdown, it may be fitting for American Christians to consider how the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, better known as Obamacare, at the centre of the dispute, matches up with Biblical ethics. It seems that Biblical ethics may bring some clarity to the discussion.


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