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Climate Change

Where does climate science fit in the biblical story?

Last month at the annual Synod of the CRCNA, an overture was advanced concerning a decision made at Synod 2012 about climate change. In 2012, Synod adopted the CRCNA’s Creation Stewardship Task Force’s recommendations on the issue which in-part concluded a “near-consensus … that climate change is occurring and is very likely due to human activity and that human-made climate change poses a threat to the world” (Acts of Synod 2012, p. 803).

Justice Prayers - July 17

Ah, Sovereign Lord, you have made the heavens and the earth by your great power and outstretched arm. Nothing is too hard for you. - Jeremiah 32:17

Changing Climate Leading to Drought, Crisis in Somalia

Justice Prayers - July 10

Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen. - Ephesians 3:20-21

The Christian Economics of Climate Action

In my work as a business professor over the past four years, I have been researching what happens to our brains when watching online lectures.

Justice Prayers - June 5

One Size Does Not Fit All 

When speaking about environmental justice in my role with A Rocha Canada I am often asked: “But what can I do?”

There are so many answers to that question and much of it depends on where you live, how you live, and what is happening in your neighbourhood. It is tempting to hand out a checklist on how to be a better steward so we can check all the boxes and be done with it. But there are several problems with this approach, which is why I hesitate to be too quick to hand out a checklist.

Justice Prayers - May 22

Lord, hear your Easter people's prayers! We live in hope, because He lives. 


Justice Prayers - April 24

Lord, hear your Easter people's prayers! We live in hope, because He lives. 


Creation’s Easter Celebration!

Christ is risen from the dead,

and creation celebrates!

Have you ever thought about what Easter means for the created world? Have you ever thought about why it matters that Christ’s resurrected body was in a physical form? Christ’s body was recognizable by its scars. It could be touched. Christ’s resurrected body has implications for the creation around us, because matter, the things of this earth, matter to God. They will be changed, renewed, restored, but still recognizable, scars and all.

Justice Prayers - April 3

We bring our prayers to Creator God, who both "takes up our pain and bears our suffering" and will "let justice roll down like a river."



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