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Climate Change

The UN Climate Change Meeting’s Gift to God’s Creation

I was at the United Nations conference on climate change (called “COP” for Conference of Parties) in Dubai of the United Arab Emirates in December. I watched a David versus Goliath battle. The fossil fuel industry (processors of oil, gas and coal) was the Goliath and had 2,400 lobbyists at the meeting.

Justice Prayers - New Years 2024

Lord, thank you for 2023.  I put my 2024 in your hands.  

As we exit 2023 we intentionally pray with gratitude for good news from this year.    

Dedicated to helping those fleeing from war, couple sponsors 11 Ukrainians

When Russia invaded Ukraine, countless Americans watched the images of war in horror. But for one couple in Doylestown, Pennsylvania, the conflict hit close to home in a number of ways. 

Justice Prayers - December 13, 2023

Blessings to you as you reflect on hope during advent.  "But the needy will not be ignored forever; the hopes of the poor will not always be crushed." - Psalm 9:18 NLT 

Justice Prayers - November 29, 2023

The only way to survive the waves is to keep the beat of your heart in rhythm with the One who walks on water.  - Ann Voskamp 

Justice Prayers - November 1, 2023

"O Great Father of the sky above and the earth below, of the great waters and all that is in them," they prayed.  "Hear our cry!  - Acts 4:24 (FNV) 

Justice Prayers - October 18, 2023

Be our primary disease, 
and infect us with your justice; 
Be our night visitor, 
and haunt us with your peace; 
Be our moth that consumes, 
and eat away at our unfreedom.  
Until we are toward you and with you and for you 
away from our injustice, 
our anti-peace, 
our unfreedom.  
- Walter Brueggemann 

Justice Prayers - September 13, 2023

Christ, you met him on the shore.
Guiding them to better waters,
eating fish and sharing bread -
you showed Peter and the others:
You were risen from the dead!

- Peter Said I'm Going Fishing 

Morocco Earthquake Kills Thousands

Over 2500 deaths have been confirmed after an earthquake occurred in Morocco. Rescue efforts have been slow due to lack of resources.  We pray for all those affected and devastated by this disaster.

A Bluer Theology: Protecting and Restoring God’s Marine Creation

On the beach in Pacific Grove, CA, eight middle and high school students bend over the wet sand, digging as the wave water recedes to catch sand crabs. Blue Theology fellow Gabrielle Poli leads the group to catch the crabs (Pacific mole crab, to be specific), measure them, write down the data on a clipboard, and release them back into their sandy home. The students are part of a church youth group, one of many who will visit the Blue Theology Mission Station for a week over the summer.

Eternal Word and Changing Worlds

Since 2002, I have been intimately involved with Spirit and Truth Fellowship, a CRCNA church in the North Philadelphia neighborhood of Hunting Park.  Our late Pastor, Dr Manuel Ortiz, was a professor of Urban Mission at my alma mater, Westminster Seminary, and he often spoke to me and the other pastors in our community about his dear friend and mentor, Harvey Conn, who was also a professor of missions at Westminster.  In 1992, Dr Conn published a book called “Eternal Word and Changing Worlds,” and in this book he argued for the need to reevaluate our Western-centric approaches to

Justice Prayers - August 16, 2023

“God’s love is like an ocean. You can see its beginning, but not its end.” Rick Warren

Thank you to everyone who contacted us last week about Do Justice prayers. We experienced technical difficulty with this website that has now been resolved.  You can read last week's prayers at this link. 


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