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Justice Prayers - July 3

"Be devoted to one another in love. Honor one another above yourselves. Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor, serving the Lord." - Romans 12:10-11

German Ship Captain Threatened with Prison for Rescuing Migrants

The German captain of a ship that rescued 53 refugees at sea was arrested Saturday after she attempted to dock at a port in Lampedusa, Sicily.

Jesus Held Space

“Will you give me a drink?” asked Jesus of the Samaritan woman. This story found in John 4:7-26 illustrates Jesus’ deep love for all women even those rejected by mainstream society. In this story, a Samaritan woman is at the well with Jesus, about to draw water for herself. Jesus asks her to get him a drink. Shocked at his request because Samaritans  and Jews didn’t mix, a conversation ensues.

National Indigenous People’s Day - Summer Reading List

Happy National Indigenous People’s Day!  With summer upon us we wanted to contribute to your summer book clubs and reading lists with Justice and Reconciliation Mobilizer - Shannon Perez’s Top 5 thought provoking reads.  Covering the spectrum from U.S. to Canada and fiction to non-fiction, this reading list is guaranteed to get you thinking.

Justice Prayers - June 12

"God, we pray for correction and justice"

Canada to Ban Single-Use Plastics by 2021

The Christian Economics of Climate Action

In my work as a business professor over the past four years, I have been researching what happens to our brains when watching online lectures.

Justice Prayers - June 5

One Size Does Not Fit All 

When speaking about environmental justice in my role with A Rocha Canada I am often asked: “But what can I do?”

There are so many answers to that question and much of it depends on where you live, how you live, and what is happening in your neighbourhood. It is tempting to hand out a checklist on how to be a better steward so we can check all the boxes and be done with it. But there are several problems with this approach, which is why I hesitate to be too quick to hand out a checklist.

Justice Prayers - May 30

Lord, hear your Easter people's prayers! We live in hope, because He lives. 

Malaysia Returning ‘Unwanted Plastic’ to Canada

Does Our Strength Lie in Isolation?

When I started attending a Christian Reformed church in 1973, my only interest in the church was it had a basketball court inside the building. Over time, I found the pastors were gracious and kind. The interracial congregation felt its mission was that all African American lives would flourish on the west side of Chicago.

Saying Yes to God’s Earth and God’s Exile

There is a man I know. More than a man – a friend and a prophet. He is Indigenous, tall, with small piercing eyes that bore into you with gentle kindness. He is a stranger longing for a heavenly country. His home on his back, he wanders deserts and back alleys. He lives in caves and parkades. Did I mention that he also has an amazing mullet?


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