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Justice Prayers - October 23, 2024

The words of the wise prod us to live well. They’re like nails hammered home, holding life together. They are given by God, the one Shepherd. - Ecclesiastes 12:11

Chad and Sudan

Deteriorating conditions in overcrowded and severely underfunded camps have intensified in Chad, as violence and hunger in Sudan are drive huge numbers across the border.

About 25,000 people – the vast majority women and children – crossed into  Chad in the first week of October, a record number for a single week in 2024.  The camps, already filled with people fleeing the genocide in Darfur in the 2000’s, are not able to support that many people. 

We pray for the refugees from Sudan in Chad and for refugees fleeing violence everywhere today. Where generations of children and teens are at risk of being lost, Spirit provide hope, jobs, meaning and purpose. You created us with such care, inspire your people around teh world to care as you do for those fleeing violence and famine.

Medical Assistance in Dying 

Ontario’s chief coroner issued several reports on Wednesday reviewing the euthanasia deaths of people who were not terminally ill.  The expert committee reviewing euthanasia deaths in Ontario found multiple cases in which patients requested MAID for social reasons such as isolation and fears of homelessness.  The medical reason for euthanasia is, a fatal diagnosis or unmanageable pain, but the committee’s reports show cases in which people were euthanized based on other factors including an “unmet social need” and whose suffering might be addressed by money, social connections or adequate housing. Some providers expressed deep discomfort with ending the lives of vulnerable people whose deaths were avoidable. 

God, each life is precious. And free. In the tension of values that is in the MAID conversation, be present to us all. Where there is despair, hopelessness and needs that can be met by a community, quicken us all to meet them.  Where there is wisdom and clarity needed in the rules, provide them. Raise a generation that can meet the suffering of our times with grace, compassion and life. 

Biodiversity Loss

Cali, Colombia is hosting COP 16, a UN summit on biodiversity of plants, animals and habitats.. The world is experiencing its largest loss of life since the dinosaurs, with around 1 million plant and animal species now threatened with extinction, according to the United Nations Environment Programme. While countries signed a commitment to maintain biodiversity in 2022, the stability of the planets ability to create and maintain life is at risk. 

God, your creation is wondrous and your character is imprinted in manifold unseen interactions of life. We know we need biodiversity to be maintained. And we don’t know how to stop our activity from hurting our planet’s life.  Inspire that wisdom-seeking and truth-telling about our home’s true biodiversity needs to be a form of worship in our times. Help us love your world like you do.

Becoming (part of) the Answer to our Own Prayers

Advent Worship Planning Roundtables

Come plan Advent and Christmas worship with a table full of worship planners! Bring your theme and ideas; hopefully, everyone will walk away with plans for this season. We are offering both a daytime (1 p.m. EST) and an evening session (7:30 p.m. EST) on October 22.  Register »

Next Steps Discernment Process

Since 2020, Built around listening circles, spiritual disciplines, and good decision-making processes, Next Steps will help you and your church clarify core issues, generate trust, and honor God as you engage challenging decisions and controversial issues. This resource has now been adapted to reflect the particular needs of congregations after Synod 2024.  Explore Next Steps  »



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