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Justice Prayers - October 9, 2024

For I know You are with me
You will always provide
Though the path may be lonely
You will stay by my side
- Shepherd, CityAlight Music

Oct 7 Anniversary of Hamas Attack

250 kidnapped, 97 hostages still unaccounted for, 1200 killed

Somber memorials are being held for those killed on Oct. 7, 2023 and for the hostages still in Hamas’ grips. We pray today for the grieving. 

God, so many lives were cruelly cut down and so many are missing. We pray for those still being held hostage that you would inspire by your Spirit their release. We pray for those who grieve. That they know you are with them, close to their grief, close to their fear, with them in their despair. May we who pray from outside not despair at the lack of movement or resolution but continue to work towards restoration of those taken back to their communities. 

Anniversary of Israel’s retaliation and offensive on the people of Gaza


41,000 killed,  Humanitarian crisis of food, water, sanitation, medicine, immunizations

Jesus, we mourn the incredible loss of life, loss of hope, the loss of kindness towards neighbors. We mourn the hunger and the sickness due to bombed infrastructure. We mourn with the children who have only known sustained violence to their bodies, spirits, and families. We pray for mercy. For those who have no place to find home.

Ongoing War and Violence in Middle East

Israel is now on the offensive towards Hezbollah in Lebanon and with Iran in addition to continuing to bomb Palestinian sites in Gaza and the West Bank. We pray boldly for the violence to end. 

God, this war began long before Oct. 7 and has continued to decimate whole communities. As the ripples of decades of violence and occupation that led to Oct. 7 continue to wreak havoc on the region, we pray for resolution to the war. We pray that you would still the hearts of men who want to repay cruelty for cruelty, violence for violence.  Bring your justice, not retribution, in the name of Jesus. 

Hurricane Milton on the heels of Hurricane Helene’s devastation for SE United States.

Hurricane Helene, a Category 4 hurricane which made landfall on Sept 26, was the deadliest US Mainland hurricane since Katrina, killing more than 230 people. It is estimated that Helene caused 47.5 Billion dollars in damage with an estimated 30 billion of that being uninsured. So many have lost everything and cannot afford to rebuild. But before the clean up really begins, Hurricane Milton, now a Category 5 hurricane, is moving quickly towards the Florida coast. 

God, we pray for the residents who have already lost so much, that you will bring comfort and hope. What hope can there be? We cannot answer that but you can. We pray for those mourning, that they will have a safe place to grieve in the midst of more hardship. We pray for communities to rally and take care of each other as they attempt to rebuild. Protect the most vulnerable in Jesus name.

Becoming (part of) the Answer to our Own Prayers

Canadian Immigration Levels Plan

This fall, Canada’s Minister of Immigration will be announcing the immigration levels plan for 2025 and beyond. Among other things, the levels set will determine how many refugees will arrive through the “Government Assisted Refugees” (GAR) and “Privately Sponsored Refugees” (PSR) streams. Your voice can inform the decisions being made now! Message the Minister of Immigration here.

New Refugee Resettlement Opportunity for U.S Churches

Thrive is excited to announce a new refugee resettlement program called Welcome Corps. This is a public-private sponsorship program that offers refugees a chance to rebuild their lives in safety and helps us live out our biblical call to welcome the stranger as found in Matthew 25. We've partnered with Exodus World Service to guide CRC churches and members interested in this opportunity. To learn more about how you, your small group or congregation can get started, visit our resource page for more information and answers to your frequently asked questions.

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