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News from the Pews

Read personal stories of changing attitudes, transforming hearts, and congregation members being moved to action. Learn how churches and individuals have responded when faced with injustice. 

Finding Justice-Minded Books for Kids- Part 3

Injustices are prevalent first in what or who is NOT being included in the content and second in HOW marginalized groups are presented.

Finding Justice-Minded Books for Kids

Depending on where you live, the new school year is either quickly approaching or has already begun! After noticing that some of the books we grew up reading were less than inclusive and made for attitudes about our neighbors that had to be unlearned, we started do parents and educators find books that both explicitly and implicitly support a cornerstone of our theology--that all people are made in the image of God? We've asked a number of justice-minded parents and educators for their thoughts.

A Culture of Rape

I recently watched a 20/20 episode entitled “Reversal of Fortune”. 20/20 was reporting on a newly granted mistrial in the case of two Vanderbilt University football players, Cory Batey and Brandon Vandenburg, who were convicted of aggravated rape and sexual battery. 

Cycles of Poverty...and My Place

My cousin phoned me out of the blue. I haven’t heard from him for awhile. Usually that is the case. I only hear from him when he is in dire straits and this wasn’t the exception. He asked if he could spend the night at my place before heading off to his moms for awhile. I said yes. I have the room and space.

How to Talk with Your Kids about Charleston- Lisa Van Engen

Kids are amazingly wise about justice issues. They will use their faith, minds, and hearts to make a difference and to share what they know with their peers.


How to Talk with Your Kids about Charleston- Idella Winfield

In our conversations about racism, they all have expressed their struggle with the hope that things will get better. It is hard for me to help them along that path. They have already seen so much injustice.


How to Talk with Your Kids about Charleston- Rachel VerWys

I wrestle with how much to dig and reveal. I also recognize that because of white privilege, I don’t HAVE to share the hard realities of racism with my kids when our friends of color don’t have that option.


How To Talk with Your Kids About Charleston

It can be hard to know what kids are ready to hear about racism and violence. When? How? How much? These are hard conversations, but necessary ones to build a society where everyone is truly safe and respected. For the next four days, Do Justice will be interviewing a different parent each day about the way that they have spoken about Charleston and similar racial issues with their children. 

Today we're hearing from Anissa Eddie, mother of two young sons in Grand Rapids, Michigan. 


Injustice for the Just

We are blessed to live in a country that is seeking to know the truth, to heal from our brokenness, and to reconcile with each other and with God for our sins as a nation that have done so much harm to the peoples who first walked this land.


I am not a baseball fan at all. Yet, in the last month, it has been difficult for me to click on any social media or news website and not see references to the Bloomsbury University baseball player who called a young girl a “sl-t”.



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