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News from the Field

Learn from people on the forefront of justice work. Find out more about global and local injustices, the work being done to combat them, and the restored relationships that result.

New Short Term Missions Think Tank

This can be a source of dissonance for mission trip sending churches because, in some sense, they know Ver Beek is right. Church councils may have even carefully broached the issue prior to ever reading the research—asking that uncomfortable question, “What if, instead of spending $830 per volunteer on plane tickets for 12 people we just send the $10,000 straight to the people who need relief?”

Slaves in your Neighbourhood--Part 2

hands folded

Over the last year, I have been contemplating the relationship between awareness and action, and I am not convinced that they are the same thing; you can be aware that slavery is still occurring around the world, but what action are you taking to alleviate or eliminate it? Yet awareness and action can often intersect as awareness prompts a desire to act. For example, awareness can lead to action by taking the Slavery Footprint quiz.

Slaves in your Neighbourhood


What images come to your mind when you think of the words “slavery” or “abolitionist”? Chains? William Wilberforce? Amazing Grace? The Underground Railroad?

The Mess

The Mess is a ministry that provides opportunities to create art and relationships with those who struggle with issues of brokenness. The Mess, which is supported in part by Diaconal Ministries Canada, walks alongside people, giving hope and empowering healthier life choices.

Can Forgiveness Play a Role in Criminal Justice?

I just finished rereading the article, "Can Forgiveness Pay a Role in Criminal Justice", and am truly impressed how two families were able to deal with a violent crime through forgiveness and the use of restorative justice principles. 


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