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Ideas for Action

Take action. Find concrete ways to live justly, engage your congregation, and advocate for change.

They Will Know We Are Christians by our Refugee Resettlement

In our world today there are over 80 million people who have been forcibly displaced from their homes, including 26.4 million refugees. In my last post I mentioned that less than 1% of refugees are resettled through a formal refugee resettlement program in one of 37 formal resettlement countries yearly, but in 2020 that number dipped down to the lowest in recorded history.

Rhythms of Justice and Mercy

True confession: I lack rhythm. Somewhere between what my ears hear and how my hands clap, my feet tap, and the rest of my body moves, the beat gets distorted. It’s like watching a video with delayed, out-of-sync audio. Nothing lines up the way it’s supposed to. 

Soaring on Wings of Eagles as we Confront the Climate Crisis

The Bible has many references to the word “hope”. There is one verse in particular that buoys those of us who are called to end the climate crisis. Isaiah 40:31 says, “But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary; they will walk and not be faint.” I think that passage says that those who are hopeful that God is working in the world to protect God’s creation will not grow weary, but will engage in their work vigorously.

Once it is Gone, it is Gone

 Once it is gone, it is gone. If a child breaks a toy or if you inadvertently burn a letter to you from your grandmother, it is gone. It doesn’t come back.

The world has a very special asset, located in Alaska, that might face that same plight. The Arctic National Wildlife Refuge is a breathtaking parcel of God’s creation. It has unique wilderness qualities and ecological integrity. 

Tell the Truth & Be Reconciled

“I just think that truth and reconciliation is sequential, that you can’t have the reconciliation without the truth.” - Bryan Stevenson

The times that we are living in are increasingly putting people on the two ends of a spectrum. Responses to Covid, e-learning, racial injustice, and politics has our world in an uproar. One thing that has been difficult to grapple with in my head is the way that we as another. We, as a nation, as well as the body of Christ, are so divided that the revival that many seek seems a bit far off.   

Blessed are the Persecuted

Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Matthew 5:10 NIV

Is Voting a Sacred Task?

Many of us have found it instructive that John Calvin, the theological father for reformed Christians, in the 1559 version of his Institutes of the Christian Religion wrote this about those in civ

Kezia Tjahjanto

Kezia Tjahjanto lived in China and Malaysia before her dream of being accepted at a University in the U.S. came through with an acceptance to Calvin University.  Kezia discusses making decisions about her education in light of COVID-19 and policies for International Students.  

This interview is part of our series International Students Speak created to give an inside look at how policies impact real people on the ground.  

Protecting the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge

The Trump administration, on August 17, 2020, finalized its plan to open up part of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR) in Alaska to oil and gas development, a move that overturns six decades of protecting the largest remaining stretch of wilderness in the United States. 

The Interior Department has said that it had completed its required reviews and will begin to auction off drilling leases. “I do believe there could be a lease sale by the end of the year,” Interior Secretary David Bernhardt said.

The Grace of Belonging

In this time of highly visible racial tension political leaders and media personalities have said noble and earnest things recently such as ‘we have to do better’. And our church denomination has posted a statement lamenting the deaths and calling for racial justice.  

Changes are necessary and urgent . We’ve said some earnest things last month, or maybe last year….. But what’s going to change?  I heard an African American colleague say the other day ‘here we go again.’  She doubts change and needs to see action.


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