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Posted: February 13, 2017

In 1 Peter 2:9-10, and in Matthew 5:14-16, and in Philippians 2:14-15, we are told that, having received mercy, having been given the role of light (in a world that so desperately needs it), and having God at work within us—we are to see ourselves

Posted: February 10, 2017

I began wrestling with this question last week Sunday when I read about two Christian families from Syria who, after fourteen years of working to attain permission to come to America, were told upon arriving at the airport that they either needed

Posted: February 6, 2017

Two weeks ago, refugees who were prepared to enter the U.S. received devastating news. After waiting for years and in some cases decades, they found out they were not allowed to enter the country because the U.S.

Posted: February 3, 2017

I know that my heart is not the only heavy one out there. In the last couple weeks there have been unjust and violent events, and I find myself reeling emotionally, mentally and spiritually.

Posted: January 30, 2017

Although I know that this world is riddled with brokenness and injustice, I sometimes feel removed and disengaged. I am a stay-at-home mom to 3 school-age children, living on a dairy farm in rural Saskatchewan. Talk about isolated!

Posted: January 27, 2017

What does the Bible say about climate change? The short and obvious answer is ‘nothing’ – in the way that it says nothing about a number of other 21st century issues.

Posted: January 23, 2017

The Internet has been abuzz lamenting some of the difficult events of 2016. But let’s take a moment to look in the rearview mirror and remember important strides forward that were made in 2016, before focusing on the hills ahead of us.

Posted: January 20, 2017

Every few days, I take a small metal pail full of vegetable scraps and fruit peels to a black compost bin in my backyard.

Posted: January 16, 2017

I am a dual citizen. I and others from my faith tradition hold dual citizenship.

Posted: January 13, 2017

When we meet someone for the first time, we often identify ourselves by our name and where we come from.
