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Justice Prayers - November 9, 2022

In the kingdom of the heavens, no suff'ring is unknown
Each tear that falls is holy, each breaking heart a throne
There is a song of beauty on ev'ry weeping eye
For there is One who loves me

- The Porter's Gate Little Things With Great Love

COP 27 meets in Egypt

After a year of global heat records shattering and record-breaking number of extreme climate events, leaders are gathering to discuss the world’s path to net zero and a sustainable future within creation.  

We pray for representatives and for the results.


May these meetings not be empty talk but generative with real fruit that transforms the future of the most vulnerable people and ecosystems on this planet.  May those who need to hear a challenge be challenged and act.  And may those who need a word of hope, hear how you never leave or forsake your creation but are with us, even at COP 27.

Arizona Drought Made Worse by Water Usage Conflicts

The US Southwest is in the middle of extreme drought and conflicts between foreign corporate agriculture projects, and towns over water usage are increasing.   Water is a precious and primary source of life so we bring this in prayer to the God of Life.   

To the one who brings living water,

We need water and we need your help.  Help policies of fair usage and conservation be implemented in these areas of drought for the sake of communities and flourishing, not only investment and profit.  May past water usage decisions be redeemable and transformed into policies that benefit whole communities. 

US Midterm Elections 

As the results of the midterm elections become clear, we hold in prayer to the values and virtues of Christ, speaking them into the public sphere, for the benefit of all creation.  

Lord of all, 

May your wise compassion reign over our democracy.

May kindness and gentleness be what witnesses to your lordship in the public realm.

May we be so bold as to pray that each policy crafted as a result of these midterm elections reflect the desires of your heart – shalom, restoration, forgiveness and, truly, love for you, our neighbor and our enemies.

Becoming (part of) the Answer to our Own Prayers

Free Advent Devotion: Prepare the Way

Join World Renew, Resonate, and CRCNA Social Justice as we reflect on what it means to “prepare the way for the Lord” in the midst of injustice, conflict, and creation that groans. Sign up to receive reflections every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday in Advent at

International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church 

The resources for International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church, (November 13, 2022) will focus on the persecution of the church in Afghanistan.  Join us in praying for the Afghan church using various phrases from our confessions. 

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